Positive Mind

Positive Mind


Wishing to write to engage your enthusiasm.

To relay thoughts and feelings.

In the end it all comes back to Self.

To self – awareness.

To self nurturing.

Nurturing of body, spirit, the physical and the mind.


In times of stress, meditation is a wonderful tool.

As I have found, when you are extremely stressed, trying to engage in meditation for any long periods is out of the question.

You simply are not in the right frame of mind to engage and interact with your own energies for any extended period of time.

I found that short stints has proven to be very helpful.

It was enough to engage me in the practices and has helped to keep me in a more positive mind set and keeps my thoughts more centred on the now.

Short bursts of meditation or mantra repetition will help sustain you.

I have been doing very quick sessions with Mantra.


Mantra repetition for me at the moment is :

I am happy, healthy and wealthy.

I will recover well.

I am happy in mind and body.

I am centred, focused and have clarity of mind and thoughts.


I mix this up and say as much as I wish on the night I recite my mantra.

A little or a lot depending on what I can manage.

It all works to stabilise the mind and thoughts.

It is the mind I am focused on at the moment.

The physical will be healed.

In the meantime, I am focused on the mind to help heal the mental stress and anguish I am going through.

To ease the stress and re-direct my thoughts into positive pathways.

This all comes back to self.

Looking after and listening to self.

Maintaining self and encouraging a positive mindset when things look bleak.


Look after and maintain a happy healthy self with meditation and mantra as your tools.

Look to the mind.

Be enthusiastic in looking after and nurturing your Self.

To bring awareness to the fore and engage the mind to look for all the positives that will come into your current situation.

A little or a lot to support your needs.

Meditation and / or Mantra will assist you and help keep your thoughts and feelings in balance.

Try a short burst of mantra repetition each day to keep you going.

Some days will be better than others, depending on our moods and coping methods.

Keep trying.

A little bit of mantra or meditation a day will re-settle your mind and allow you to focus on the bigger picture, the positive future and the positive outcomes which await you.





Meditation and Mantra.

Soothe the mind and enable the energies to see you through your time of troubles.

Be positive.

You are loved by many, and most importantly, you must love yourself to realise the greatest healing.

Mantra or meditation in short bursts can be just as effective as an hour long session.

You will always receive that which you need in a session, be it long or short.

Be good.

Be kind.

Be you.


Love and nurture self.


Blessings dear ones.

