Love and light to you all

Love and Light to you all.


By spending time on nurturing my being, I have managed to put myself back onto the Spiritual Way Path.


My Mantra : My body is right for me, has re-ignited the flame within, stoked it up and brought forth love and a deeper sense of spiritual awareness, of our spiritual nature and being, coupled with a more in-depth sense of spiritual connections.


A deep feeling of love for everyone has emerged.

A sense of past deeds are past.

We now move onwards with love and caring for all in our Universe.

We are all travelling this light road together.

Hand in hand we offer support, guidance and love to all in our merry band.

We travel together now and always.

Blessed Be, my friends.


We are all in a unique partnership.

We are all in this together.

Let the love and light shine through.

Allow this wonderful light to guide us, support us and carry us on this incredible journey.

Love and light to you all.

