Listen to your energetic reaction

Listen to your energetic reaction.


Perceived notions of  what other people are thinking  about you.

Stand tall.

Commit to events that hold good and uplifting energies.

Be around people who lift up, share and exchange the energies that freely move around you all.

Be not afraid to re-arrange get-togethers if your energy levels are not up to scratch.

Do not put yourself in harm’s way when your energies and your vibrations are on the low side.

Pick your moments to be in other people’s company.

Choosing to see other people when your spirits are brighter and your energy is higher will promote a better environment for all to flourish and everyone will receive the attention and love they sorely require.

If it does not feel right to go ahead with any plans, events or catch ups scheduled in your diary then take the opportunity to sit within, think about your options and make adjustments and changes accordingly.

Stay true to your energies.

Your uplifted energies create a better environment for all to flourish in and you will all enjoy the get-together, event, party, dinner on a far better energetic level.

Maintain your upward energy vibrations by tuning in to self and making the best possible choices for the situation/circumstances that you are working with.

You will know when you have selected the right decision for you.

You will immediately feel a lift in your energy.

The burden of hurting someone because of your choice will fall by the wayside.

Your energy will feel calmer and uplifted immediately.

Clarity will come to the fore as you have chosen a course of action that suits your highest good.

Re-arrange that catch up, event, party, function.

It is okay to put yourself first if circumstances permit it.

When you all do get-together it will be wonderful, fantastic and fun.

Listen to your energetic reaction and respond accordingly after taking the time to sit within and reflect upon your current situation/circumstance.

Be you.

Listen to you.

Love you.

Love for all will make the Universe a better place and your friendships will blossom and be infused with a deeper love and understanding.

Work with your energies.

Support your energies.

In supporting yourself you will have plenty of love and affection to share around.

Embrace you.

Embrace family and friends.

Share and support your village with love and understanding.

Stand tall.

Trust your energetic reactions.

Be strong in self.


