I Sit Within

I Sit Within


Our power lies within.

The hub is our powerhouse.

It is necessary to focus on, fuel and nurture our powerhouse for it to support our entire energetic system, body, mind, health and well-being.

I can honestly say that the last twelve months have been very trying.

I have been looking on the outside for knowledge, guidance, solutions and a fix for my long saga of little to no voice accompanied by energy loss and brain fog.

Questioning, seeking advice and generally allowing my energy to be searching outwards for answers.


My time spent on Meditation and Inward focus became a once in awhile endeavour, mainly due to not being able to vocalise.

No chanting could take place without a voice, coupled with respiratory/breathing issues meant no deep breathing or breathing exercises of any kind could be conducted.

A hard place to find oneself in to be sure.


Tests were conducted.

Clearing me of anything sinister.

Scans all came back clear.

Seemingly I am healthy and good to go.

Voice and energy issues have been ongoing.

Hopefully whatever is going on sorts itself out soon.


Throughout this whole saga my focus was a whole mixed bag of looking in and looking outwards.

Worrying about what was going on, worrying about my lack of voice and energy.

Worrying that this has led to less communication with others and general overall concern that I am neglecting family and friends due to my inability to talk/discuss/interact with everyone as usual.

I did not have the energy nor the ability to put into words what was going on and what I was experiencing.

Brain fog and lack of focus put paid to writing up anything coherent and comprehensive.


My Hub and Chakra Centres plus my Energetic Network have been sadly neglected and my energy stores have been depleted which has added to my woes.

I am now redirecting my focus back into my Hub.

I am acknowledging and working with the power held within.

Stoking the fire, so to speak.

Working on restoring my Energetic Network.

Connecting with the Chakras and actively fuelling my system with gentle breathwork.

Focusing inwards, feeding the body, hydrating my system and being kind to self.

Limiting verbal chat.


Being more present.

I cannot turn back the clock nor change how I have reacted to my situation.

I can indeed try and stay focused now and support my hub by fuelling my powerhouse which will result in a better energetic environment for me.

Regardless of how long it takes to get my voice back to normal, I now have the opportunity to repair my Chakra energy, Core energy, Energetic system and fire up and sustain my hub (Powerhouse ).

Stabilizing my inner core will help support all of my functions.

Help me regain clarity, think more clearly, express myself more eloquently, grow and give me the energy to move forward with a little more grace.

It is time to nurture self.

Focus on sustaining my energy and directing it inwards so that it may grow, nurture and support my health and well-being.

Time to change it up.

Support self.

Allow the energy held within the hub to grow and nurture my body, improve my health and support my well-being.

Once that energy has reached a point where it will sustain me fully, I will be able to direct some energy out to others once more.

Supporting, nurturing, buoying up, lifting up one’s Soul Energy which will enable one to connect on a broader and wider scale.

Focus on contributing to your powerhouse.

Your power truly lies within.

Connect, nurture and fuel your hub, body and mind.

It will make a difference to your energy, mindset, outlook and health.


We are all on a curious journey.

Support is key.

Look after self.

I sit within.

Nurture the light and love held within your hub.

Tune in.

Activate your energy with thought, focus and a striving desire to improve your lot.

Change will follow.


Love and Light to all.

