A Rhythmic Dance

A Rhythmic Dance


Sitting, relaxing, thinking.

Needing to recharge.

Wanting to feel the beautiful healing energies move within and around my being.

Uplifting, soothing, correcting.

Delightful energy which brings a smile to my face and joy to my body and mind.

Flowing smoothly and lovingly through my body when corrections are needed, blockages of energy require removing and Chakras need to be re-aligned.

Soothing energies flow throughout our system unimpeded now.

Our bodies rejoice as we are mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally uplifted.

This wondrous healing energy moves lovingly throughout our bodies, flowing gently through our energetic system, swirling around our bodies and into our Auric layers.



A rhythmic dance.

Enhancing, correcting and recharging our systems as the energy moves and flows throughout and around our Chakras, our energetic systems and our Auric energy layers.

A beautiful dance of energy as well as one of many colours as our system receives and engages with this wonderful energy flowing within and around us during this healing session.

Uplifting, joyous, happy, as the many changes take place within and around our being.

Be loving of self.

Look after and maintain self.


