Like the seasons we change and grow

Like the seasons we change and grow

Winters wind and wine

Summer fire and storms

Spring lambs and nature

Autumn a time of rest, release and exploration.

Like the seasons, we change gears, refresh ourselves, rest, relax and explore.

We grow and mature through the years, gathering knowledge and wisdom as we potter along.

Like the leaves in Autumn, we shed.

Letting go our fears and worries.

Releasing the mantle of stress that has gathered over the year.

We shed the weight of burden, stress and desires from our shoulders.

To feel lighter and brighter as the shedding ends.

To stand tall.

Now lighter and brighter in self.

To see self as you truly are.

To stand naked.

Feel the joy erupt within you.

Gone are the shackles, the demands and the stress of the world.

You stand tall.


Stress free.


You are simply, you.

Wrap the feeling of joy around body, mind and being.


Be you.

Joyous, uplifted and ready to journey once more.

You are full of hope and zest.

Walk your path with an open heart and mind.

To be loved and loving towards others.

Enjoy the journey and walk the path with many other like-minded souls.



Bask in the radiant light that surrounds you.

Walk with purpose, focus and stability of body and mind.

Be mentally, physically and spiritually connected to self.

Enjoy the opportunities which present themselves to you.



Grasp and work with the positive elements in your life and make positive and encouraging outcomes arise.




Engage in the moment.

Explore your options.

Create your wonderful opportunities to excel.



As the seasons change, so do we.

Find the positive in life’s situations.

The messages and sign posts are hidden within.

Directions, guidance and outcomes may differ from our own perceived thoughts and ideas.

Life is interesting.

Keep on journeying.

Shed the burdens, stress and fears.

Shake it all off.

Be naked.

Be you.

Stand tall.

Journey forth knowing your path leads you to the experiences and goals you are looking for in your life.

Journey with hope, love and positive intentions.

Journey with a lighter step and a heart filled with love.

Journey, explore and discover who you are.



