Tag Archives: peace

Open up your Pathways

  Open up your pathways Meditation Chant Life Live life Empower your body and mind. Create a positive energy force with a positive mindset and positive thoughts and actions. Dwell within for a time. Feed the body and mind with the wonderful energies awakened and stimulated through the use of Modalities, such as Meditation, Chant…

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Life Experiences

Life Experiences Dreams Cycles Life Hope Life is full of experiences from the time we are born to the time we die. We are complex beings. We are after all human beings for the duration of this life experience. All data is stored within. All hopes, dreams, goals and actual reality of the life that…

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Weaving the Web of Life

Weaving the Web of Life Dream Dream catcher Life Web Crafted Weave We are weaving our own web of life daily through interaction with others, through our thoughts, visions and dreams. We weave the reality of our daily lives into our web of life. It would be interesting to see visually what our own web…

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  Decisions, decisions, decisions. Do I stay or do I go. The pull, the uncertainty. The cry for help. I want a better life. Please help me so that I may help myself. Choices are easier to make once you have a clear mind. Being able to discuss the situation with others and clearing away…

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