Tag Archives: Journey

We again pause

  We again pause. Turn inwards once more. Supporting our Spiritual selves. Letting the outside world fumble and move through another awkward stage. We are again nurturing our own little world. A small space created by need to soothe, nourish and protect ourselves during this current crisis. Nurturing of good mental health. Stability of mind.…

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                             Life   Life can feel like a roller coaster of sadness and anxiety with a degree of depression. I am being highly critical of myself right now. I am feeling like I have let people down when they need me the most.   I took timeout to just be me and focus on my…

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My calling

My calling The call when it comes must be heeded. The subtle song will play over and over again. Soft, rhythmic, filling your being. The mantra within will become stronger and gain strength. Insisting. A driving force. A compelling song. To move once more. To lift up your spirit. To share your knowledge and energies…

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Winters’ Warmth

Winters’ Warmth Tiredness is part of the condition, where health is a little under par. Rest and relax to restore your energies. Keep warm and eat well. Allow a few days of resting the mind and body to restore your energies to their natural balance. Sleep well and recover all the more quickly. Find the…

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You are not lost

You are not lost   Trust Breathe For you are not lost You are safely held within In the right time your enclosure will open to reveal to you, who you are. : Image in minds eye : Seeing a giant clam opening to reveal the delightful and opulent white pearl held within. Safe and…

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Here and Now

Here and Now In between. Here and now. In between living and dying. So many adventures. So many good times and some bad times. All in all, a mixture of surprises, good, not so good and some we would rather not recall. Life is life. Full of interesting and unexpected occurrences. A life full of…

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Weaving the Web of Life

Weaving the Web of Life Dream Dream catcher Life Web Crafted Weave We are weaving our own web of life daily through interaction with others, through our thoughts, visions and dreams. We weave the reality of our daily lives into our web of life. It would be interesting to see visually what our own web…

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  Journeying We journey. We journey with family. We journey individually. We meet and connect with many people along the way. Some we keep for life and some only enter our lives for the briefest of times. Through our connections and associations with family and other members of society, we gain knowledge, insights, skills, ideas,…

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