Tag Archives: focus

Support self from within

Support self from within   Affirmations Mantra Meditation Yoga Assist in centering, balancing and uniting mind and body. The modalities are useful tools in supporting, correcting and stabilizing our mental, spiritual and physical health. These techniques are useful for enabling healing within self. Affirmation work, mantra recitation, meditation and yoga assist in creating that balance…

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A little bit of OM

A little bit of OM   A little bit of OM goes along way. OM in bed. Sitting in yoga pose or in a chair. Walking around the house. OM. Stir the energies within. Feel your soul respond. Clear away the tension. Ease your mind. Brighten your day. Clear your thoughts. Find focus and clarity.…

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Working with Crystals

  Working with crystals. Using crystals. Healing with crystals. Tuning in tool. Focus tool.   Pinpoint an area of concern or thought. To zone in on an area for healing. A tool to use when not having any other distractions so that you can tune in and focus more deeply on self. To provide healing,…

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Treasure your memories

Treasure your memories Treasure memories. Enjoy the moments. Take time for you. To sit. To relax. To reflect. Take the time to work out your goals and dreams. Aim to accomplish and realise your dream of publishing your books, running workshops, creating amulets, drawing, crafting and acquiring more knowledge. Focus. Relax. Do you the things…

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Spirit Guide Meditation

Join us for a Spirit Guide meditation. Remember to add your own music piece to assist with your meditation. Sit, relax and enjoy this spoken meditation with or without music. Please note this is my first audio piece. Enjoy.