Tag Archives: connect

I Sit Within

I Sit Within   Our power lies within. The hub is our powerhouse. It is necessary to focus on, fuel and nurture our powerhouse for it to support our entire energetic system, body, mind, health and well-being. I can honestly say that the last twelve months have been very trying. I have been looking on…

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Cafe Antics

Cafe Antics   I enter my Reiki room and take a seat. I am taken with my vibrant green plants growing nicely in their pots on the desk. The vibrancy of the green leaves brings joy to my heart and soul. Lifting the energy vibrations within the room and myself. It is beautiful in the…

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  Darkness Darkness has descended The light no longer shines here We are enveloped in darkness Darkness of the night We retreat We hunker down Safely within, we shelter until the dawn The light breaks through the darkness, piercing in its intensity The unfurling light envelopes the retreating darkness Another day has dawned Gone is…

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The need to impress

Underlying our actions is the need to impress people. Where do these thoughts and actions come from. They seem to just appear at the oddest times. More often than not, the thoughts arise from deep seated issues hidden within the mind from childhood days and surface when we are feeling unsure and need reassurance and…

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