Tag Archives: balance

A Resting Time

A Resting Time   Time to sit down and think. It really feels like not much is happening at all at the moment. But, I know in my heart that underneath the surface, many things are changing and progressing. Not much is being noted on the topside. I feel spiritually that things are slowly humming…

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Adventures I have had quite an adventure these last couple of years. My meditation group was put on hold and my client work was cut down to bare minimum. I managed the occasional healing and guidance session when it was of an extremely urgent nature for the client and the timing seemed right for me…

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Prayer Hands

Prayer Hands It is the simple things that make a big difference to our lives.   Prayer hands OM Correct your posture Re-align your energy flow Align your body and mind   Om throughout this sequence  OM Feel the energy flow correct and move more easily within and around your being OM Take notice of…

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Quiet Space

  Quiet Space Meditation is the key to solving problems. It allows the mind to open and explore the issues or problems at hand. Tackling and working with the information in a different way.   When you are relaxed and rested, solutions come to mind more easily. The energy of the mind flows more readily…

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