


Life can feel like a roller coaster of sadness and anxiety with a degree of depression.

I am being highly critical of myself right now.

I am feeling like I have let people down when they need me the most.


I took timeout to just be me and focus on my little pocket of the world for the last couple of months.

Now I am hearing the cries from different corners of the friends and family universe.

I feel inadequate in coping with these added pressures presenting themselves to me.

It is all or nothing as usual.

Coping mechanism needs to kick in.

I am blaming myself, feeling helpless and overwhelmed as well as a little sad.

I am taking all of these feelings onboard when actually most of what is going on around me is not of my fault.

The people concerned have not taken adequate steps to stem their own wallowing and then reach out at the last possible minute before being swallowed up entirely by their grief and misery, expecting me to have a miracle answer and ultimate support for them on the spot.

I put myself out there to help and support others, but it can be at the detriment to my own health and well-being.

More mentally than physically.

Especially when I am overtired and exhausted because I have been hard on myself and trying to raise my fitness levels and step up my own general activity.

My own health concerns, issues, multiple surgeries and ongoing maintenance of body have taken a bigger toll on me mentally than I would like to acknowledge.

It has taken a toll.

It has slowly robbed me of my self-esteem and my strength in body and mind.

It will be an ongoing journey putting it all back together.

I will proceed at my pace and where I go and what I do is entirely up to me.

I am master of my journey and I wait patiently ( that will be a hard practice for me to undertake) and see where life takes me.


Moderation is the key, and something I will heed.

Change happens slowly and surely and not in the next five minutes.

I need to be less critical of myself and accept the changes that have taken place within me and work with my new parameters.

Doing too much physical activity in a short space of time rather than metering it out is having an adverse affect on my mood and tolerances.

As much as it is refreshing to be out walking and taking in the beautiful sights, doing too much in a week is leaving me feeling quite exhausted by the end of that week and any little thing that creeps up on me is making me feel overwhelmed, stressed out and upset.

I journey with you all.

I will support myself with my practices and mindfulness and I will offer support to those who need assistance when I can and when the timing is right for that individual to take on what is advised, instructed or divulged.

Life is a curious cycle.

Many ups and downs, roller coaster type experiences interlaced with joy, love, commitments, blessings and bliss.

I will always be here.

Please be mindful, I am as you are, living a life that has many stresses, pains and hardships coupled with beautiful moments, thoughts and feelings and a wonderful supportive family and friends network who help me work through the difficult times.


Be mindful of self.

Look to self.

Find your support within as well as looking to those around you.

Open up.

Talk and communicate with like-minded people.

Go for a walk.

Take timeout for yourself.

Make time to engage in things that make you smile on a regular basis.

Encourage the growth of love and light within yourself.

Nourish that light.

Strengthen the connection to your inner light and watch it transform.

Enabling you to develop a better connection to work with your body, mind and spirit.

Supporting yourself  by being more mindful and bringing clarity and reasoning to the forefront before the issues at hand become confronting, overwhelming and truly detrimental to one’s health and well-being.

Speaking up, voicing concerns, asking for help.

All things that make life a little easier.

Be in control of the roller coaster and your life journey.

Steer it to better pastures.

Brighter thoughts and actions.

We are truly remarkable beings.

Let your light shine with love, peacefulness and hope.


