A Courageous Journey
Where does life take us?
On a journey for sure.
We learn, we grow and we gain knowledge and wisdom as we walk on our path.
A path that can have many twists and turns, straight patches, slight curves and some ups and downs (undulations) thrown in.
A marvel to us on retrospect that we get to where we are going.
Sometimes it is just a vague notion of where we are going and what we want to achieve, where at other times we have a very strong knowing of what we are about and where we want to be and what we are doing when we get to that destination.
A courageous journey at times.
One foot in front of the other.
One day at a time.
Focus, vision and courage.
Perspective changes.
Hope springs forth.
The inner spring of purpose gains momentum.
Welling up.
Filling you with joy, courage and vision.
Once again you move forward with hope.
The light within you burns brightly once more fuelling your determination to follow your dreams and creating your reality.
A mission.
A purpose.
Filling that hole that was opening within you.
One of doubt, fear and normality.
Striving now to change tack.
Fuelling the inner me to take the reins and steer my life journey in the direction that opens up my heart and fills my life with joy, allowing my personality to radiate fully and engage in the world with the skills that make me who I am.
Harness your inner spirit and allow your uniqueness to shine.
Be true to yourself.
Work with who you are.
Allow yourself to shine brightly.
Tap into your energies.
Let go the fear, doubts and the idea you are not good enough.
You are good enough.
Chase your dreams.
Fuel your inner self.
Raise your vibrations.
Have the courage to move forward even though you may not see the whole picture.
Have trust and faith in the process.
Find the happiness within and let it out.
Walk in this delightful energy.
Live life feeling confident, not worrying about how you will get to your destination, as you will get there in the end.
Walking the road of life.
Your path will lead you to the right spot at the right time.
It just may seem an odd way to get there at the time.
How we get there sometimes is quite baffling and not how we imagined.
Our directions change as does our learning.
We may see in our mind’s eye a straight pathway that will get us to our destination, but in reality and how the Universe works with us, we may have gotten there in a more round about fashion.
Our vision and the plans we had made were obstructed, not gelling, not falling into place thus not happening at that time.
In the end though and possibly going about it in a completely different way we did get to our desired location.
Learning a lot more along the way.
Journeys, pathways, learning, knowledge, wisdom, joy, happiness and working with one’s abilities help to make us wholly who we are.
Journey forth with love n light.
Re-connect to your purpose and journey forth.
Walk your pathway with a lightness of step and your inner being radiating love and goodwill.
Allow your lightness of being to propel you forward.
Journey well.