Breathe – Calm – Re-centre Self

Breathe – Calm – Re-centre Self


Re-centre self.

Breathe deeply in and out on a count of three.

Breathe deeply and exhale on a long breath 4 times.


Hold a Rose quartz crystal in the palm of your left hand.

Run your thumb over the crystal, connecting as you breathe in and out.



Releasing tension



Balancing the Heart Chakra.

Pink and Green aspects of the heart.

Hold a green crystal in your hand as well and again run your thumb over the surface of the crystals


Breath work



Allowing the energies from the crystal to flow into your energetic vibrational system.


Breathe deeply in and then release slowly on an outgoing breath.

Breathe normally.


Sit quietly with the crystals in your palm or lap for 5-10 minutes and let the energies merge, flow around and within your system and then settle.


Work on the spiritual and physical of heart with a Rose quartz crystal and a Jade, Adventurine  or another green crystal you have on hand.

Utilize the crystals you are drawn too.

Connect and surround yourself in uplifting, soothing and calming vibrations.


                                     OM x 3

When you feel settled, relaxed and calmed.

Stay seated for a few more minutes.

Place your crystals on the windowsill for clearing.

Breathe deeply in and exhale on a long breath out, all on a count of three.


                                   OM x 1


to complete and close your session.


  • It can be little things in life that upset the apple cart.
  • Re-centre self with a 5-10 minute sit down utilizing your crystals, breath work and OM
  • = A calm and relaxed state of  mind and body




Enjoy the rest of your day

Love n Light
