


With love, comes rejuvenation.

People are too concerned with trivial matters.

Bring your attention back to now.

To your health.

To your well-being.

Being of sound mind.

Centering one’s energies.

Being peaceful within.



Let the happiness flow from within.

Nurture your inner being.

Let the energies flow throughout, removing blocks, releasing tensions, letting go of your anxiety and fears.

Allow the energies to blossom and surround you.

Uplifting your vibrations.

Resonating at a higher level.

Supporting your entire being.

Let the wonderful divine energy course throughout your energetic network, into your Chakras, Meridians, Lymphatic system, organs and tissues.

Feel the difference as the body self corrects.

Breathe in divine energy.

Breathe in deep.

Breathe out long.


Feel your Heart Chakra respond and bloom as the radiant energy transforms into a deeply loving and vibrant energy force.

Beautiful, majestic, all encompassing divine love.

This loving energy soothes, rejuvenates and energizes your entire being.

Allow this wondrous energy to flow throughout and around your entire body and  into your auric fields and layers.


Be filled and fueled with love.

Embrace your life.

Feel the positive vibrations emanate from within.

The mind and body unite.

Suffused in golden light with a slight pinkish hue, you walk forth with confidence, a spring in your step, and a smile upon your face.

All is as it should be.

Calm, centred, focused and filled with love you confidently walk forth and continue on your journey.



