

Trust your instincts.

Trust the vibrations of others when they are in accordance with your own.

The spirit lifts and soars.

The soul rejoices.

Mind and the physical being become quieter and more united.


The more in tune you become, the easier it is to unite body and mind.

It is easier to detect the subtle shifts which happen within.

An early warning of when the body is about to rebel and cause mischief.

When we are in tune we detect the warning signs sooner than later.

We may first feel the subtlest shifts beginning in our energy, which the mind also registers long before we are completely emersed in the turmoil that is being unleased within our body.

I would rather be alerted to the fact that my body is starting to rebel in the early stages where actions can be taken to calm down the situation rather than being completely taken by surprise several days later when the body has gone into full meltdown mode.


This early recognition of changes within and throughout the body, gives us a chance to implement a strategy on supporting our bodies and managing our conditions before the full onslaught occurs.

A way to minimise these chaotic and sometimes painful episodes.


Being more mindful of your self and body will help you maintain a better lifestyle and existence.

Trust your instincts.

Listen to your body and reap the rewards with better understanding and health.


Trust of self.

Listen and take actions to soothe and calm down the body and mind.

Do what you can, when you can.

Rest when you need too.

Exercise at your own pace and level of capability.




Enjoy the company of others to support your overall health.

Socializing in small doses.

Catching up, sharing food, exchanging ideas and telling stories exercises the mind and fuels the body.

Most of all it fuels your soul, body, mind and spirit with beautiful energy.

Energy that uplifts your entire being.

Let your light shine.

Connect with like-minded people.

Trust yourself.

Trust your intuition.

The light within will shine.

Trust self.



Unite body and mind.

Fuel body, mind and spirit.

Listen to what your body is telling you.

With body, mind and spirit working together you can make your life better and more manageable.

Trust what your being is telling you.

Work with it and find the way to healing your life.

Trust that you will find your way.


