


Darkness has descended

The light no longer shines here

We are enveloped in darkness

Darkness of the night

We retreat

We hunker down

Safely within, we shelter until the dawn

The light breaks through the darkness, piercing in its intensity

The unfurling light envelopes the retreating darkness

Another day has dawned

Gone is the night where we bed down and reflect on our issues, current or not

A place where we berate ourselves for actions not carried out or not done very eloquently

Forgive ourselves for not being up to measures imposed

Laugh, cry and smile at the direction our lives have gone

Summon the positive intentions held within

Project the positive attitudes

Be of positive mind and intent

Create a more positive mindset

See and feel the wonderful light that surrounds you

Allow your inner self  to blossom and grow

Breathe, smile, interact and relax with peace of mind as the day draws to a close and darkness falls once more

The light within shines

It may at times seem to dwindle and feels like it falters

Be rest assured that with love and acknowledgement of self, the light within grows

Nurture self

Connecting with life in a positive manner will enhance your self awareness and allow your truth to grow

As darkness falls, relax and reflect

When the light dawns, put into action your positive thoughts, goals and ideas




To better understand and know self  on a deeper level try a little bit of OM work

OM to centre self

OM to gain clarity of mind, regain focus and clear your thinking

Let there be light

Allow your light  to shine and blossom.

Expand your horizons



