Moving forward

Moving forward


I feel a lot more connected on a spiritual level and most importantly with myself  this week.

I have been mixing up and adding to my nightly affirmations.

This included changing the emphasis on what I was reciting and affirming.

After 3 to 4 weeks I can honestly say, my connection with myself and my spiritual helpers and advisors has taken a great leap forward, especially over the last few days.

The effort and change up with the affirmation work has made an enormous difference to myself.

This will have a wonderful flow on effect to those I come into contact with and work with.

After 3 years of minimal spiritual connection and work, I am becoming highly aware of the changes coming forward.

What a difference 3 to 4 weeks of affirmation work can make to one’s level of awareness

Once we commit to tuning in and working on ourselves change will happen in due course.

My path is opening.

Awareness of my path opening before me is amazing.

I look forward to what is to come.

Upon embarking on a mindful mission to change up my affirmations and include loving my being I am moving forward.

My affirmations include surrounding and imbuing my entire being with uplifting, energising, healing and loving energies.

Change was inevitable.


Last week I experienced a day of feeling totally flat, energy poor and very tired.

By late afternoon I felt so bad, I decided that a lay down for a few minutes would be in order to help restore my fatigue.

Once I lay down upon the bed, my energetic body immediately kicked into action.

One and a half hours later I emerged from the bedroom.

I just had one and a half  hours of healing take place, mind blown.

The energy work that took place concentrated on easing and removing blockages, pinpointing specific areas that required urgent healing and nurturing, easing and clearing of confused energies as well.

Clearing energy that had become stuck in certain areas within the body and my headspace after 3 years of emotional drama due to my ongoing voice issues and unwellness.

It was a huge energetic session.

Healing myself  on this level is something I have been unable to do for the longest period of time.

I am over the moon this energetic healing session took place.

I was feeling very airy fairy and not very focused or clear headed for the next few hours.

By the time I went to bed late that night, I was beginning to clear and felt so much better the next morning.

A good sleep helps settle and restore the energies after an extensive healing session.

I must say, I have felt wonderful ever since my very indepth spontaneous healing session.


Several days later I had a vision in my mind’s eye.

A very brief vision, as they usually are.

These visions are always meaningful.

The knowledge/understanding of what this vision meant has come through over the following five days.

Of course, it is highly relevant and profound.

It was an important vision.

It has given me a connection to another aspect of my life.

It was a simple vision that made me sit up and take notice.

I have noted it and taken it onboard.

A signal that I am on the move again.

I am moving forward once more.

My spiritual connection surpassed itself on Tuesday evening 11/02/2025 whilst out with a friend.

Can I say, “I am back baby”.

It is so thrilling knowing I can continue working with others on a spiritual/guidance/healing/teaching level.


A vision that could have been ignored if I was not tuning into myself and raising my awareness over the last 3 to 4 weeks with upgraded affirmation work.

It was a beautiful message and vision which has made me fully aware of what could be.

Slowly, slowly I have built up to this point.

I am overjoyed.

I shall continue to work on myself and with myself for the duration.


Affirmations and loving energies make a huge difference to one’s overall self.

Affirmations and healing energies help you on a mental, physical and spiritual level.

Look to self.

Explore your abilities and see where expanding your awareness and understanding can lead you.

I look forward in time to engaging in Group Meditation and healing work.

Moving forward slowly and surely.

One step at a time, one day at a time.

Your dreams will unfold and become reality.

Journey with me.

I look forward to the changes affirmations and healing work brings forth.

Love and light to all.
