Health and Maintenance 2024

Health and Maintenance 2024.

Hello to all.

It is crazy to say that I am still battling with my Health issues.

My mindset is in a better place considering everything that is going on.

I am continuing with Mantra and Intuitive Energy Work upon myself along with Affirmations.

I am taking each day as it comes and ensuring that I am doing something positive and uplifting every day, even if that is a simple act of going to our local cafe for a wonderful decaf coffee and a bite to eat.

Communicating / voicing with family and friends is happening in short bursts.

My voice issues continue to be a long term scenario.

It is a work in progress.

I am under Medical supervision and we are working on getting this problem solved.

In the meantime I am taking it easy and doing what I can, when I can.

Most evenings I work on Mantra and Affirmations before signing off for the night.

I am working on uplifting my energy to stave off plummeting into a negative spiral of despair.

Slowly, slowly we will work on the issues that are current and presenting themselves and those issues underlying it all as we navigate this path I am currently walking.

I am sincerely looking forward to having my normal life back.

I will take close to normal at this juncture.

It will be great to interact, chat, laugh and play with family and friends without worrying about losing my voice after a get together for weeks or months afterwards.

Settling back into Energy Work / Guidance and helping others spurs me on.

Once I get myself sorted out, I am hoping the Universe responds enabling me to continue working in the Spiritual Arena , helping others with Spiritual Guidance, Intuitive Healing, Support and uplifting of  Soul Energy.

I will be guided and wait to see what 2025 brings to fruition.



I actually wrote up this update on 17th November 2024.

At the time I was glad I wrote it up.

Straight afterwards I had no energy or inclination to share this piece of information with anyone.

The energy around me was extremely weird and uncomfortable.

I also felt that this might come over as a poor me, as I have been struggling for a few years and this saga continues.

Sadness, loss of enthusiasm plagued me for a few weeks after writing this.

I am happy to say that 2 months down the track I feel I can now share my thoughts and feeling.

Lots more has happened in those two months with more health issues being sorted out and this particular scenario should all be sorted out by March.

Voice issues continue.

I have written up more today and that will be posted very shortly as well.

Thank you for journeying with me.

