Health and continued maintenance 2025

Health and continued maintenance


Hello again, back so soon you say.

It has been awhile since I have been able to post something of value to share.

I feel my story has not really changed, although I do continue to adjust Mentally, Physically and Spiritually as time goes on.

To be honest my health issues have increased since last year due to a few factors.

As well as my ongoing voice issues I have needed to have a lot of Dental work done which started in November 2024 and will be sorted by March 2025. I have been nursing several teeth and the Dentist and I were hoping we could watch and act over 2-4 years before resorting to Oral surgery, adjusting and fitting of Partial Plate and having Crown work conducted on another tooth. Several deep cleans are also included in this looking after teeth business

That was all pushed forward after a Bone Density Scan I had done mid 2024 came back that I had a nasty case of Osteoporosis and it was also going into my left hip.

Dental care was brought forward so that I can receive twice yearly injections to stabilise my bone health. I am sure that another Bone Density Scan will be conducted in another 2 years after starting the Prolia injections to see how my bone structure is holding up.

Once this major dental overhaul with another clean is all sorted, I will have to wait several weeks for all to settle down before I am allowed to start maintenance on my bone density concerns. I am hoping this is all sorted by end of March 2025, with just regular cleans in order after that.

In that timeframe I should be able to have my injection and start looking after my bone health.


I am still coping with voice loss on a regular basis.

We are now into the third year.

My voice over the last couple of months has slowly improved and does come back in for a few days or a couple of weeks and then craps out again for a few days or a week.

I am currently on upgraded medication which is helping a lot.

Saying that, after catching up with people, family and going to social engagements close together, I will have an episode of voice loss coupled with energy loss.

I am on another waiting list at our local hospital for another consult and when that happens we shall see where that takes us.

Late last year, a lot happened around November and December 2024… Hospital visits x 2 and Dental work commenced after multiple appointments with our local Dentist and then the Oral surgeon.

All or nothing as usual.

I was called into the hospital on 2 occasions a month apart to see about my Voice issues. At both appointments I had a tiny camera inserted into my nostril and threaded down my throat to look at my Voice Box / Vocal folds. Turns out my vocal folds are not working properly. They are in a weakened state and not vibrating properly to produce sound /speech.

Loss of voice also impacts on my breathing / breath as well as my energy levels.

I am not just dealing with loss of voice.


I am in a much better mindset than I was a year or so ago.

I have been mindful of turning that around.

Go with the flow is the only way to navigate this situation I find myself currently in.

It is still fluid.

We are waiting on more information, a consult and possibly more testing at the Hospital to get a better idea and indication of the full story and then to work out how we manage it to create a better life moving forward.

I am currently being treated for 2 types of reflux.

The second one seems to be the culprit for my long standing voice loss.

Gastroesophageal Reflux

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

Further investigation is needed to rule out any other issues contributing to this scenario.


I am so pleased that I have been able to start socialising this year.

It will be brilliant to be able to catch up more with family and friends.

Even better will be retaining my voice after socialising.

It certainly makes life interesting and harder at the same time.

We use our voice every day, chatting with family, one’s partner, ordering food and coffee, Doctors visits, Dental visits, Chiropractor and the list goes on. At times it is very crushing.

Losing voice to me means not being able to communicate well with family, loved ones, friends and the medical profession.

Health implications around voice loss include being breathless, loss of general energy, feeling quite tired and it brings down your Mental demeanour a notch or 2.

It is very challenging for myself and my family.


I have a nightly bedtime routine.

I connect with myself before retiring to sleep.

I say Hello to myself.

I surround myself in uplifting energies and vibrations.

I make a point now of telling myself “ I love you “ and then surround myself in a loving and nurturing energy vibration.

I send out Love and Light to people on a regular basis, it is only right that I send this beautiful energy vibration to myself now as well.

I have neglected to do this over the years and have just realised I have regularly overlooked myself.

That is changing this year.

I feel better including myself in this Mantra.

It keeps me grounded and uplifts my Spirit.

I continue to do a basic energy session on myself nightly.

I am truly looking forward to being able to chant out loud

Om Namah Shivaya


Chanting really does lift up your energy vibration and helps your Mental, Physical and Spiritual Bodies.

The complete picture sees us smiling and filled with joy after a beautiful uplifting Energy/Mantra/Energy alignment Session.

I continue to work on energy flow within and around my body.

A Grounding routine, connecting with the Ethereal, centering Core Body, checking Chakras and checking general energy flow within all systems.

I continue to navigate this path on my terms.

My mindset has been adjusted many times as I walk this current path.

To get out of the dark, one must adjust and move forward. It does not matter at what pace, it is about moving forward, one step at a time, one day at a time.

It is doable.




Journey with love of self and love in your heart.

You can do anything.

You are capable of so much.

Be kind to self.

Work with self.

Love and light to all.
