Share your journey

Share your journey


Work with self.

Meet up with like-minded spirited people.

Lift your energy vibrations through shared experiences.

Chatter over food and beverage whilst enjoying each other’s company.


Express yourself.

Be you.

Share your journey.

Embrace the changes that have been put into motion.

Opening of new pathways and experiences.

Be of open mind.

Include many in the ever changing landscape.

The more, the merrier.

Shared experiences.

Sharing of love and caring will lead to a better understanding for those around you as news travels further afield.

Love of family and friends will deepen.

A renewed sense of loving, sharing and caring will come into play now.

You are over the hardest years.

Look forward to nurturing and restoring friendships, partnerships and renewing family connections as well as supporting family and friends as your energy levels and energy vibrations are restored to previous levels.

Time for change.

It is here now.

Make the most of this new lease on life.






It is there for you.

You are now in a position to support and offer care and re-assurance to those it matters most.

Your energy is now coming up to speed.

Stand tall and feel secure in your energetic vibrations.

You are coming back into your own.

As your core energy stabilizes and your energetic network becomes stronger you will be able to interact more with other people without feeling your energy will be compromised.

You are stronger in body and mind.

What was the cause of making you feel vulnerable and energy depleted has been found and corrected.

Over the next few months more healing will take place and you will feel more secure and solid in your own energies.

You will feel grounded and more spiritually connected at the same time.

Your energy levels will increase as well as your spiritual activity.

Meditation, guidance and instruction will come to the fore.

You will be there for family and friends.

Consolidation of friendships will be forefront.

Do not worry.

All perceived notions will simply fall by the wayside.

We pick up anew.

We walk this new path with head held high.

Energy levels at the highest.

Communication, love and caring for one’s self and others is a priority.

We step into a new phase eagerly.

We shall all journey together.

The light doth shineth upon us all.

We pick up from whence we left off a few years ago.

Love, light and truth will support us all now.

Love to the past.

Bestowing love and blessings to all as we walk towards a bright and shining future.

May we all continue to journey forth together.

Hold us gently in this new energetic pattern.

With love, caring and understanding may we support each other.


Blessed Be
