Hi Mum

Dorothy Lynette Pauly


Hi Mum,

Thankyou for being the loving, kind and guiding soul that you are to us.

You showered us with much love, care and attention.

We are who we are due to how You and Dad raised us.

I loved getting with the whole family for special occasions, such as Birthday’s, Easter, Christmas and Anniversaries.

It was always a fun time, loud but fun with all of us together.

I also loved getting together with my sisters ( those who could make it ) for a Girls day out with mum for a lunch or dinner.

We always had such a good time.

Just being us.

Just being your daughters in your company.

Telling stories, joking, laughing, crying if that was on the cards for the day.

Enjoying your company whilst scoffing down a Donut, consuming a Coffee or 2 and tucking into a Bread roll, Chinese meal or a Sandwich.

Depending on whether we ate at home or down the street.

Fun times filled with joy and laughter.

Happy memories for all of us.


I remember quite clearly all of the clothes you made for me to wear when we resided in New Zealand.

That was a big adventure and we all had different experiences whilst we lived there over those 5 years.

Mum made a lifelong friend of our then elderly neighbour Dot Rothwell.

Dot did not have any children of her own and upon making our acquaintance took us all onboard as part of her family.

A lovely and long friendship which saw Dot visit mum and dad on several occasions after we returned home to Australia to live.


I was thinking more about our mum the other night and was wondering what else I could  say about her.

I cannot recall anytime whilst we were young , Mum complaining about working, raising us 6 children, housework chores, cooking, washing, grocery shopping etc…

I do recall being with mum walking next to a pram as we went to the local shops… no car…to pickup groceries.

Going on a bus or 2 and mum having to juggle baby and pram to get onboard. All of these experiences were prior to going to New Zealand. I would have been around 5 to 7 years old at the time.

Mum just did what she had to do and made running a household and raising children look super easy.

We know it is not that simple.

It takes hard work and a lot of effort.

Thank you Mum for all your hard work and effort you put into looking after us all.

It made a big difference to our lives.

We are better for having had you and dad as our parents.

We are who we are due to the care and love you lavished upon us.

Thankyou xoxo


Mind you… we also knew when we had crossed the line as teenagers… that being a whole new scenario.

It is a wonder mum stayed the distance, as four girls going through puberty was a hard ask to cope with. Thank you for enduring us as best you could mum. It was not easy.

On odd occasions each of us pushed Mums buttons to the nth degree and on one occasion I pushed her to her limits.

You left your mark mum of respect or pure fear … or a bit of both… take your pick.

We tended to tread more carefully afterwards. Well, at least I did. I cannot confirm or deny that aspect for my siblings.

You know you are in big trouble for mouthing off when a Butcher Knife comes hurtling towards you as you are exiting the kitchen after a barrage of rubbish has left your lips and had been directed at your mother.

I turned in shock and looked at mum and said “mum, what if that had hit me ,“ her reply – a simple shrug of her shoulder.

Luckily for me the knife hit the wall right next to me. Phew.

Yes, I learned a valuable lesson.

Do not piss mum off.

Consequences are high.

Got to love a fiery redhead.

Love you mum

Regardless of that minor incident, I held my mother in high regard.

Mum always listened.

She had time for us when we were upset, whingeing, angry, hurt or sick.

We have had great discussions over the years.

Good times aplenty and we have a lifetime of memories to treasure.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my mum.

Thank you for simply being you.


Mum we shall miss you greatly.

We shall hold you forever in our hearts and soul.

We Love You Mum.


Blessed Be Dear one.

Until we meet again.

This is simply a parting of ways for now and not Goodbye.

Love you forever.



In Memory of Dorothy Lynette Pauly.

22nd March 1942 – 11th May 2023