The most important time to sit back and relax.
To soothe the nerves.
Recharge the body and the mind.
Regaining strength of mind.
Fuelling the body.
Relaxing posture and muscles.
Releasing tensions held within.
Waking up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle another day.
In between Sundown and Sunup – bedtime for most.
A great time to settle back, relax, unwind and release the many tensions you have accumulated over the day.
A good time to release the notions that no longer hold true for you.
Set new goals for the morrow.
Review and release all that does not sit well with you at this time.
Nurture your health and well-being.
Rest, relax and restore your vitality.
Your lifestyle is unique to you and yours.
Live life creating those feel good vibes.
Uplifting your spirit.
Fuelling your energies and supporting your inner network.
Break it down.
Release the unwanted.
Nurture your body, mind and energetic system with positive and uplifting choices.
Streamline your intentions.
One day at a time.
Build on those thoughts and actions as your intentions turn into goals and then these visionary goals and ideas facilitate manifestation.
Work with self.
Create the best supportive hub.
Fuel the inner workings.
Stoke the fire burning within your belly.
Send the energy surging into all Chakras, Meridians, Pathways and into your Energetic Network and Auric Fields and Layers.
Support and fuel the innermost you and reap the rewards.
Deep breath in.
Long breath out.
Feel the energy coursing within your body.
Fuel the Kundalini ( belly energy fuelling hub)
Breathe life into your hub.
Stoke the energy.
Breathing in – long.
Breathing out – long.
Hold breath for a count of three.
Breathing in on a count of three.
Holding breath for a count of three.
Breathing out on a count of three.
Notice the energy vibration build within.
Feel the pull and expansion.
Breathing in.
Breathing out.
Allow the energy within the hub to move freely into your Chakras and your Energetic Network.
Support your inner wellness.
Notice the flow on effects as the energy moves to your outer body and being.
Suffusing all of you.
Vibrancy of being.
Sustain your being with sometime spent nurturing self during your downtime which for most of us is between Sundown and Sunup.
Refresh and restore your body, mind and spirit.
Om x 3 to set and seal your intentions and well-being.
Om to close your session.