

This theme has been playing over in my mind these last couple of weeks.

Backed up by a few incidences that have taken place.

Perceptions :

How we perceive our own actions and course of events over a period of time compared to the view and perceptions other people have of these same events.

What is really happening in our own space and the conclusions drawn by others looking in, can be poles apart.

It is an interesting topic.

Amusing to say the least.

Better to be taken in that vain than taken to heart when the situation has been totally misconstrued.

We live in interesting and curious times.

We do what we do to get through the day.

We find that little bit of joy within it and rejoice at the happiness we find along the way.

It may not be everyone’s cup of tea.

It is mine.

We are all individuals and live our lives based on current circumstances and we are in control of our very own unique storyboards.

We are not comparing, who does what, spends money on what, lives a certain lifestyle, acts a certain way…

We do what makes us happy.

Life is to be enjoyed and we will make the most of it.

The little things in life bring us the greatest joys.

A smile

A hug

A good word, takes us to a whole new level.

Be happy

Travel well

Take care and most of all…

Live life to your tempo



Love n Light

