The Dampening Field is lifting

The Dampening Field is lifting


May your day be bright and cheerful.

We are coming into our own space once again.

The dampening field is lifting.

New energy and growth surrounds us now.

Connect to the budding energy that is awakening within you.

Throwing off the veil of suppression, which has dampened our spiritually creative energy and connections outside of ourselves.

We had stepped back over the last year.

Focusing on ourselves and our closest family members – our inhouse family unit.

The time has come to open our eyes, re-connect on a broader spectrum and advance once more on our spiritual journey incorporating more interaction with other people and situations.

We have had plenty of downtime.

It was a matter of sitting back and allowing that year to unfold as it did.

Instead of continuing to sit idly in the background, we can now pickup from where we left off and begin to move and work with the wonderful energy that is bubbling up within us.

This change of energy is giving us the opportunity to connect, work and play in our spiritual garden

Stepping out of the darkness and walking into the light.

The curtain has lifted.

Our sight clears.

Connections within ourselves becomes stronger with a deeper sense of knowing coming to the fore.

All is calm.

It is supportive, strong and yet subtle, this energy of ours.

A sense of oneness pervades one’s being.

Ease of spirit and mind.

Coming into another space and place.

We are changing and developing new insights, skills and reaching out to further our connections once more.

Moving forward.

Developing our spiritual way.

Introducing new techniques within the Om framework.

Breath Work.


Connection of body and mind energetic fields.

Amplifying the energy stream that is being emitted and sent out to those who are in need of an energetic and healing boost.


We are back in control of our adventures.

Spiritually, Earthly and Cosmically.





Fuel that budding energy with love of self.


Your new journey and connections are now coming into your orbit.

Take hold and breathe life into your actions, goals and intentions.


Blessed Be
