Stepping out

Stepping out


Time to step back out and steer yourself in the direction which will propel you forward.

Positive notes.

More gaiety in your step.


Setting goals and intentions that suit your drive and ambitions.

Stepping out of restrictive governors.

Taking back your control on future events and endeavours.

Clearing the accumulated energies of Lockdown.


Filling your lungs with the fresh crisp cool air that surrounds you right now.



Clearing the mind.

Allowing changes within to begin.

Fresh mindset.

Fresh outlook.

The stirrings of creativity begin to blossom and grow.

You feel uplifted.


Raring to go.


Work with the stirrings of creativity.

Start planning and goal setting.

Visualize what changes you wish to manifest in your life this year.

Open up to your thoughts and feelings.

Write down that which you wish to see come to fruition.

Visualize and meditate on the wonderful uplifting and fulfilling changes that are coming your way.

Be productive in making change happen.

Set your intentions.

Meditate, visualize and allow the energies that be support your direction and manifest the intended goals.


Allow the freshness of the day to permeate your being.

Invigorate your senses.

Release the heavy energies that Lockdown and restrictions have placed upon you.

You will feel fresher in body and mind.

A lightness in your being will spring forth.

You shall feel brighter and refreshed.

Lighter in body and mind.

Enthusiasm will come to the fore.

A smile will cross your lips.

Time to move forward with a renewed sense of you.


Breathe deeply.

Release the energies of old.

Breathe in the crisp chill air.

Allow that energy to move within.



Inviting in change.


Set your new goals and intentions.


Visualize your outcomes.

Allow the energies around you to support your journey.

Set your course.

Leave it be.

Let it rest now.

In time all will unfold.

Breathe and relax.

Let the supporting energies carry you along.


Blessed Be.
