Community and Spirit

Community and Spirit


Let me see, where shall I start.

I must say that I have pretty much kept to myself over the last four to five months.

We have been checking in on family and close friends on a regular basis since lockdown started.

Keeping a close eye on my 92 Year old Mother in Law, who decided to move house just before Christmas and settle down in our little neck of the woods.

Spiritually I had felt that all of what I do had been put on the backburner for a time.

Not being able to see family, friends or clients due to lockdown followed shortly thereafter.

In an attempt to reconnect I wrote up a post and put it out there on my Social Media Platform, saying that I am available and capable of carrying out any Remote Energy/Healing work and Guidance sessions for those in need.

Timing is always a factor and it has seemed that not many people were connecting to that.

In a roundabout way I connected with a few people and information came flowing through for them and myself a few weeks later.

The connection is there, but for the most part has remained in the background and has only come forward every now and again.

All in all, it is what it is.

As a family unit we are going about our day to day life as best as we can in the current climate of Covid 19 coupled with the restrictions that have been placed upon us.

We are only going out for the essential food gathering ritual, Doctors when required, Chiropractic sessions for correcting posture, Haircuts eventually and long before we end up with waist length scraggly hair, Chemist run, looking after Mother in Law’s needs and grabbing a much needed Decaffeinated Coffee from our local Cafe.

Supporting local businesses where we can.


Our neighbours and some family members have been a great support to us with the sharing of baked/cooked Foods, fresh Fish, Pumpkins, Chilli, Potatoes, Celery and other vegetables.

It has been Mentally and Emotionally uplifting giving and receiving assistance.

We are looking after each other as a community when the opportunities arise to do so.

Catching up and relating stories or information with family and friends has been through Social Media and by Telephone, whether that be landline or mobile.

It has been quite stressful not being able to see family and on top of that having the threat of a disease that may take your life or make you very unwell and cause long term health problems is confronting.

The worry is not just for yourself,  but for those you love and care about.

Triggering in some people episodes of anxiety and panic attacks and for those who are a little more sensitive feelings of being overwhelmed and highly anxious.


Putting that to one side for the moment:

I am continuing to focus in on myself nightly with Om Energy Work.

It not only benefits me in the short and long term, it has far reaching effects on those around me and for those who remotely connect to the energy vibrations of goodwill and healing which are sent out on occasions.

I may not be able to work with anyone face to face at the moment, but I can connect to the Energy Network Web and via that method I am able to send out Healing, Soothing, Uplifting and Positive vibrations to those in need at that time.

I have felt that again life is to be lived one day at a time whilst we navigate our current circumstances.

Finding those little moments in the day that make you laugh and smile.

Making a good meal, one that satisfies the Mind and Body.

Viewing the world around us with open eyes.

Taking in the beauty of nature, watching the flowers grow and blossom.

Keeping ourselves healthy.

Eating well.

Enjoying some moderate exercise and drinking plenty of water.

Looking after yourself and keeping the body humming along.

As I have said, I do a little bit of Om work nightly.

Sometimes it is absolutely amazing.

Much energy expanded within, thus allowing me the opportunity to send out healing and goodwill to others once my own session has been completed.

At other times I have the required amount of energy to correct my alignment, fuel up my Chakras and repair any nicks, tears or holes in my outer layers.

Thus maintaining my energy levels and defusing any negative or impacting vibrations that have come my way.

It has been very quiet on the visionary front of late, until now.

All of the downtime has given me pause.

It has allowed me the time to focus on myself, my husband and our youngest child who is currently residing at home with us.

Lots of effort has gone into maintaining a healthy disposition and looking after our health.

Mental and Physical health.


I had an inkling change was upon me about three to four weeks ago.

A little more Intuition began kicking in a bit more frequently.

A little more guidance was coming forth.

Pen to paper.

I can say it felt like I had shut up shop for a time.

Lights out, shutters drawn and the door closed.

My energy was needed elsewhere for that time.

Foremost looking after those who currently reside in this home.

I have taken that on and feel that I have been able to keep things humming along mostly, with the odd week where anxiety and stress got the better of me on a subtle level.

Hubby has been a great support too.


OM work.

Focusing inwards and then directing that energy and knowledge outwards makes a big difference to how we view and deal with our current circumstances.

Several nights ago I retired to bed and after resting and relaxing for a few minutes I began my OM work for the night.

Some sessions are quick while other sessions last quite some time.

It is very individual and unique to yourself.

You will receive that which is needed to help your Energy Bodies ( Chakras)  and Energy Network to work at its best.

When I began tuning in that night, I did not feel anything happening.

I continued trying to tap into the energy within whilst doing my Mantra :

Om Namah Shivaya  as a whole or just reciting Om.

Using the sound vibration Om as my focal point to tap into the energy within.

I was surprised and a little perplexed as I was not feeling a response from my Energy Centre.

No feeling of the activation of the energy source within me.

The energy usually surges up and then flows within and around my being.

Carrying out repairs, fuelling Chakras, aligning the core and filling me with light energy and joy.

On other occasions after my own Om work has been completed, I send out energy vibrations and healing energies to those who connect that night with the greater Web Network vibrations.

On sending out these vibrations I tend to visualize hands in the air, hands raised by the people who are looking for a little help.

I continued on with my Om work, even though I was not feeling anything, thought I would try a bit longer and if nothing was happening in a few more minutes I would close it down for the night.

Still no energy surge, no raised hands, nothing seemed to be happening.

Om, Om, Om… strange.. no activation felt within my chest.

Thoughts are, what is going on tonight.

Note, this does happen from time to time where energy work is non compliant.

Then the realisation hits me.

The energy is being emitted out in front of me in what looks like a long tunnel.

A very long tunnel.

Could this tunnel be a conduit to somewhere ?

I could not see where it ended.

That realisation made me smile.

Something different was afoot tonight.

The energy being emitted eventually diminished and stopped.

Moments after that I had a vision of a woman’s  bare upper torso… mainly her head, neck and throat area.

In the next instant three strands of pearls connected at the back adorned this figure.

Three strands (threads) of pearls, each strand hanging slightly lower than the top one.

Pearls : Three layers : My thought funnily enough was how heavy was that three layered pearl necklace.

Part of me felt that there was little weight associated with it or simply the weight of the pearls was not an issue here.

It had nothing to do with weight around one’s neck.


Upon waking the next day and pondering what had transpired for awhile, it dawned on me.

-Enclosed space


-Subtle Growth


When you take another look.

Where you thought nothing was happening.

Something was developing, growing and maturing.

Nestled away.

Sight unseen.

Being given time and space.

A spark of energy hidden within.

Knowledge, growth and maturity.

So, the shutters come back up, the lights come on and the door opens and the marvel within is revealed.

You have been growing and changing all of this time.

Nurturing self for a time.

Looking after others in a different way and space.

Growth happens.

What a wonderful vision of hope, love and growth.

Three threads of pearls   – connected.

My current understanding of this image.

  • Spiritual Growth
  • Spiritual Connection
  • Spiritual knowledge


  • Enclosed Space  – Lockdown
  • Darkness          – Downtime
  • Growth – Nurturing awareness with Om Vibrational  Energy Work.
  • Spiritual Advancement
  • Teachings – Path/ Meditation/ Yoga/ Workshops

Is where I am heading.


Beautiful Insights.




I walk forward knowing that I am heading in the right direction for me.


I love the visions, the imagery and the insights that come forth.

I feel connected on a deeper level.

My heart sings.

My body maintains itself better and my Spirit soars.


I am still waiting on insights regarding the tunnel/conduit.

Om work .

Where it went and what it’s function is and what is it doing.

I eagerly await that knowledge coming to me.

When the timing is right all will be revealed.

It might take weeks, months or years for understanding to take place.

I will appreciate the findings no matter what the time frame will be.






Going with the flow.

Nurture your inner self.

Expand to nurture/teach others

Allow that knowledge, positive instruction and insights to be passed from that group onto the next group of like- minded people and so on.

Continue the cycle.

It is all about timing.

Stay true to self.

Continue to nurture and love self.

Fuel your Energetic Network with joy, love and healing.


Blessed Be.
