Remote Healing Sessions

 Remote Healing sessions

Feeling in need of a little tweaking on mind and body.

Feeling lost and directionless.

I have an offer for you.

Due to the current climate and restrictions in place, I am opening up my Virtual Reiki Room for bookings for those in need of a healing session.

This will cover a basic Remote Healing Session, tweaking of energy and correction and alignment within the body and extending outer energy fields and layers.

Further to this healing session, you can also enquire about adding a Remote Guidance Session.

The two can be combined or utilized as separate options.

Payment structure will be determined upon the options undertaken.

Currently using Paypal as the method of payment.

Payment can be made via the Donate button visible on the main Webpage.

Please privately message Me with your request via the Contact Karen  link on the Webpage.

I will request immediate payment when your Remote Healing Session requirements and details have been identified  and all has been confirmed.

Once payment has taken place, I will conduct the Remote Healing Session.

I will be writing up all that comes to light during this session and forwarding it onto you.

You will receive the written results of your Healing / Guidance Session once it has all been completed.

This summary will conclude our session.

Healing Session :

Working on Energy Vibrations and Stabilizing Energy Centres.

Balancing Chakras.

Clearing and removing blocks and imbalances within and around the body.

Bringing clarity to mind.

Easing tensions, releasing stress within Mind and Body.

Guidance Session :

Helping one to understand what is happening and possibly why you are currently going through your present circumstances and the issues that have arisen.

Clearing the way for a more positive outlook and attitude.

Channelled information that can enhance your life experience..


Knowledge to support your overall well-being.

Giving  you meaning and direction.

Guidance in matters that are relevant to you at this time.

A helpful guide to assist you on your life journey.

Blessed Be


*For Entertainment Purposes Only*