Support your way of being

Support your way of being


Many a time we wish that the world around us would either slow down or speed up.

When we are in the zone these concepts do not matter.

We are happy to be in the now, enjoying life, coping with what is happening in our own lives and with what is going on around us.

We have times when we feel not quite centred, a little off kilter.

It happens.

The good thing is we can address the situation we are faced with and make corrections and adjustments to help us get back on track and back into the zone.


Healing work, Meditation and Guidance is instrumental in helping the Mind, Body and Spirit recover.

Visualizing our strengths, working on goals and making small or large adjustments in mindset and our actions will assist us in moving forward in a positive manner.

Coupled with addressing the mindset, correcting and adjusting your Chakras (energy centres), and the energies that flow within and around your being.



Bringing forth clarity of mind and thought patterns.

Strengthening your Intuition (third eye).


Seeing clearly your circumstances.

Taking stock of the situation you find yourself in and making appropriate changes that will in turn make life easier for you.

Simplifying choices and actions.

Making choices and choosing actions that will help you to create a more loving and calmer environment for yourself to exist in.

Choices and actions that will assist in lifting your spirit, your energy bodies and your vibrations.

Being more clear minded and focusing on the positive aspects of life will assist you when dealing with the ups and downs that ripple through our lives.

Be kind to self.

Acknowledge where you are at right now.

Making some changes now will lead to enhancing your health, well-being and life in general.


Guidance will support your journey.

Whether it is chatting with friends, family or a support network or coach, connecting with like-minded souls will be greatly beneficial to your overall health.

We all need a friendly ear from time to time.


Look to self and look after self utilising Meditation, song, chant, music, walking, drawing, making time for a hobby, catching up with other people outside of the home, exploring your garden or a park.

Making the time to also sit, rest and relax so that you recharge your body, mind and spirit.


Bring your focus back to now.

Be in the present.

Centre your energy.

Feel the difference within yourself as your energy vibrations build up, surge and suffuse your entire being.

It will happen.

That beautiful feeling of being loved and one with all.

When the timing is right, that Zen feeling will take place.

It is a truly wonderful and uplifting experience.

It encompasses all.

You feel so light.

Life seems less hectic.

You feel calmer within and you really feel like you are walking on air.

You see joy in everything and you feel joy deeply within yourself.

A beautiful state to exist in.

A state of being.

One of lightness, calmness and joyousness.


This energy state does ease off over time.

I can tell you from my own personal experience that it is absolutely incredible and being in this fantastic energy zone for any length of time is a true blessing.


It is a state of being that just arrives.

Striving for it seems to put it further away from one’s self.

Timing, right place, right energy vibrations, ready for the experience.

It just happens when it happens.

Enjoy being in it when the time occurs.

Try not to question how long it will last.

Simply note its existence and go with the flow and enjoy the whole experience.

An experience it will be.

A state of grace.

Special times.

Live it.

Breathe it.

Rest with it.

A most wonderful episode that occurred in my life.


Help centre your body, mind and spirit with chant, Meditation, guidance, group work and chat with like-minded people.

You will feel the changes and differences as they occur within and your change of spirit and energy will be seen and commented on by others.

Uplift your life by looking after yourself.


