You can do it.

You can do it.


A busy time for all.

Take the time to sit, rest and relax.

Be mindful of your daily actions.

Curb the desire to see what everyone else is doing around you.

Ease up.

Allow your stress to dissipate.

Replace anxiety and stress with relaxation and calmness of mind.

Ease up.

Give yourself a break.


Let it all go.

No sense in stewing over past deeds that you had no control over.

Work with what you can do.

Make the most of now.

Take time sorting out your emotions.

Letting go the pain.

Releasing your anxiety.

Replenish the beautiful energy within you.

Let not the darkness devour you.

Stand in the light.

Let the light suffuse you, cleanse you and heal you.

Be true to you.

Look to yourself.

Heal your body and mind with rest, relaxation, mindfulness and meditation.

Focus on the good things in your life.

Let your energy grow and fill your being with positive vibrations.

Let go the emotions holding you back.

See with true eyes all that has unfolded before you.

Use your energy to channel positive intentions and watch your new goals emerge with a rising sense of well-being.

As well as being in control of your actions and decisions.

Look to yourself.

Blossom and grow by leaving the mess behind you.

Focus on the here and now.

Make plans, action goals and address your headspace.

Be present.

Be present for yourself and be present for your family.

Do not let past actions bring you down.

Time to pick yourself up.

Stop watching and worrying.

Let that be.

Focus on yourself for the time being.

Focus on your health, your well-being, your family and your financials once you are present and honouring self.

Be better in self and all aspects of your life will fall into line.

Love who you are.

Your emotional body is in overdrive.

Relax, release the tension and the hurt.

Acknowledge that you are fully in your emotional body right now.

Relax, release and let up.

Let your emotional body heal now.

Stop chasing shadows.

Be present in mind and body.

Unify your mind, physical body and spiritual self.

It is all out of kilter.

Bring it all back into alignment.

Om – pronounced Aum… nightly.

For as long as you need too.

Sound out Om (aum) in your internal thoughts (headspace)

Let the vibration move through you.

Releasing impacting thoughts and vibrations as it goes.

Stabilizing your energies and correcting your energy flow as well as correcting your alignment.

Sorting out your chakras, filling those that are becoming depleted and sluggish due to the overuse of your emotional body.

It is understandable that these crises occur.

Now pick yourself up.

Om nightly and throughout the day intermittently, if you feel the need, to assist with correcting your energy vibrations, energy bodies and helping to bring clarity to the fore.

Allowing you to make better choices, be happier and live life with a freer spirit, of self, of being.

Help is here.

Take the time to sort through it all.

Be a better you and you shall see and feel the difference in no time at all.

Be strong enough to break the current cycle.

Within a few short weeks your outlook will change as your clarity returns and new goals form and are actioned.

Life can be difficult and unsettling at times.

Why make it harder than it already is.

Change happens in an instant.

Change your life by adjusting your viewpoint and coming to terms with the emerging new you.

Good changes can now take place.

Find who you are.

Step out.

Journey well my friend, journey well.

All shall fall into place.

You will adjust, adapt and forge ahead with renewed energy.

Look to yourself.

Let it go and find the path opens before you.

New goals, new adventures and a renewed pep in your step.

You can do it.

Start now.

Change your awareness, actions and re-actions.

Be mindful.

Make choices that support your health and well-being and keep your energy vibrations uplifted.

You matter and so do the people supporting you.

Honour self and all shall fall into place real soon.



