Support self from within

Support self from within






Assist in centering, balancing and uniting mind and body.

The modalities are useful tools in supporting, correcting and stabilizing our mental, spiritual and physical health.

These techniques are useful for enabling healing within self.

Affirmation work, mantra recitation, meditation and yoga assist in creating that balance of body, mind and spirit which is required to journey well on our pathway of life and learning.


Life can be wonderful and is wonderful and fulfilling when we are in the right frame of mind.

We all encounter those odd times when life does not feel that great.

We may feel knocked about, confused and experience episodes of high anxiety and our mind and thoughts become chaotic and we lose focus.

We have periods of time where extra stress in our daily lives becomes overwhelming.


It is recognizing this pattern early which will enable us to get back on track sooner than later and more easily.

Once we become aware of the unbalancing that is occurring within and around us, we can put our useful mindfulness tools and modalities into action.

You will feel the changes occurring within and around you after the first session and as you keep on with these practices you will continue to feel better.

Your outlook will change.

Your energy will brighten and the way in which you handle your day to day activities will improve.

Feeling better in self  will radiate from within and flow outwards into your work, activities, relationships and health.

Create a more balanced energy flow within and around yourself.

Blossom and shine as you address your issues whilst utilizing the modalities.


Useful techniques to help assist and support your well-being.


Try saying an affirmation at the start of your day.

“ I am happy and healthy”


“ I surround myself in positive and uplifting vibrations”


“ I am centred and focused”

Repeat several times.



Later in the day have a go with some mantra repetition.

Be seated. Cross legs. Place hands in lap. Close eyes. Breathe gently.

Commence mantra.

Work with OM.

Om, Om, Om – sound out long…ooommmmmm (pronounced aum) on a long breath in and on a long breath out.

Practice for up to five minutes to start with


Work with Om Namah Shivaya.

Repeat On Namah Shivaya over and over for five minutes to start with.

Rest quietly for another five minutes afterwards.

Allow the energy to move within and around your being.

Continue with gently breath work throughout the mantra and whilst resting.


The Mantra’s will help support and encourage good energy flow within your self and within your energy centres (Chakras).

Balancing the energy within.

Restoring unity.



Meditation is wonderful for tuning into the inner you.

To relax, to release, to renew your energies.

To look at issues, to contemplate, to solve problems or simply to let things go.

A great way to free the mind and chill or explore and work through a guided meditation.

Brighten your energy, lift your thoughts and create a more positive mindset.

Feel better in self.

Feel more energised and enthusiastic.

Help create that wonderful balance within mind, body and spirit.

Maintain and support your Mental, Spiritual and Physical Health with the use of these techniques on a daily or weekly basis.



Exercises to assist with flexibility.

Easing tensions within the body.

Soothing for the mind.

Assisting energy flow.

Calming breathing techniques in conjunction with moving from one pose to another.

Supporting a body and mind connection.

A meditation in motion.

Another great way to maintain a connection to self  through moving, exercising and working with the body.


Walking is also great for releasing tensions, moving the body and clearing the mind.

Getting together with a friend for a chat and a meal or a coffee is great for the soul.


Find the system that works well for you.

Looking after your self  will give you a better outlook on life and play a big part in giving you the tools to assist and support your needs now and into the future.

Look after self.

Nurture self.

Love self.

Watch your mental, spiritual and physical self change, grow and develop.

Feel better in self as you continue to develop and balance your energies on a regular basis using these wonderful Modalities.




