

Overdone the “keep on moving” exercise.

Walking to release and relieve the stiffness in the lower back.

Walking to maintain some level of fitness.

Stepping out to maintain some sort of balance.

Utilization of walking to help with the balance of body and mind.


Slowed down to a crawl, as my body and mind have become very tired.


To rest and restore is the solution to this quandary that I find myself in.


I pushed myself, as I want my physical health to improve and that then has the flow on effect of helping to improve my mental health.

My physical health is currently under par, which means my mind to body ratio is unbalanced.

Never mind.


Rest to restore my energies is now paramount to a good recovery.

At this moment in time, I can recover to the point of being mindful of what I can do and taking note of when I am tiring, before I hit that wall of no return.

I have been trying to ignore that I do hit that wall on more occasions than not of late.

I have been refusing to acknowledge (in denial sometimes) that I simply cannot do what I would consider a normal day of activity right now.

Much to my chagrin.

By trying to get my fitness level into a better zone, I have become quite tired.

This has affected my mind, head and brain. I am now too tired to do much of anything.

I need to take heed, otherwise I will not be able to maintain a good body and mind balance long term.

I will now take heed.

I will rest up over the next few days to allow the fatigue to ease up and my energy to replendish, so that my mind and thoughts become clearer, more focused and concise thought patterns emerge and I become more balanced within body, mind and spirit.


It is an exercise in itself to find the balance within.

When body and mind are not in unison, we feel more tired than usual, unsettled, distracted, unfocused, unbalanced emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Hope is within.

Rest and restore your balance.


Listen to your body.

Focus on your heart Chakra ( pink and green elements within this Chakra )

For love and calmness.

Lay down or sit quietly for 10 minutes.

Breathe gently.

Eyes closed.



Breathe gently.

Focus on your heart chakra.

Visualize your heart chakra.

Breathe gently.

Breathe positive energy into your heart Chakra (via your minds eye).

Fill the chakra with love, gentleness, soothing vibrations and  hope.

You will connect to your energies and to your divine self.

Allow this energy to then move around and flow into all of your main Chakras, and then flow into your entire network within and around your being.

OM intermittently throughout this session if you like.




Heart Chakra Aspects

Pink                                      Spiritual

Green                                    Physical


Unite them.

Feel the difference.

Feel yourself becoming stronger within.

Use this method daily to balance your energies this week.


I will be doing just that to help correct my energy flow.

Rest, relax and restore your energy.

Restore balance within body, mind and spirit.



The sound of Om will resonate with you.

Take the time to sit, relax and work within.

The changes are wonderful.


I use these methods to sustain my energy within my body and mind on a regular basis.

Meditation and contemplation helps in clearing away the fog. Releases old dramas, negative issues, negative energy and opens you up to beautiful, joyous and uplifting energies and a positive frame of being.


Feel the difference in body and mind.

See the difference in your attitude.

Open the way for your dreams and goals to emerge and become a reality.




OM x 3 to close your session.


OM to a count of 5

OM to a count of 4




Enjoy your week


