

Flowers adorn her

The children play

Within her womb

Carry forth the seed of life

Bring it forth upon the day or night

Bursting to the brim

The flow begins, and with it the gentle birthing of the children within

The rhythmic crashing of the waves heralds the journey taking place therein

The wave motion crashing down over and over again

Releasing the tide of waters born

Ensuing the rush

The children bore through the channel

Safely into the hands of those awaiting

Ever so gently plucked from the channel’s mouth and placed oh so tenderly into the mother’s arms

Life, oh so precious

A life to cherish, to nurture, to love and to guide

More so with the gift of two

Yin and yang

Side by side

Lives to nourish, love and support

A mother figure

One of love and light

Guide your offspring with all your might

Cherish all of the little moments

Watch the young ones grow

Delight in their antics, their play and learning

It is always a wonder to behold






Treasure motherhood

Treasure the bond

Love your children

They are who they are

You are who you are

Love abounds

Love unconditionally

Take pleasure in watching your treasures grow

Enjoy the journey



