The Energy Swirls

The Energy Swirls


The energy swirls.

Clarity becomes less clear.

Tiredness has descended.

My eyes have become heavy.

I am becoming drowsy.

My body wishes to gently stretch, laydown and curl up in a ball upon a comfortable surface.

Nestled beneath the sheets I am feeling safe and secure.

A time to rest, to re-focus, to dream.

I am calm and feeling serene.

A gentle energy suffuses me.

I feel the love in my heart flow through and around my being.

A gentle subtle energy.

The feeling of serenity moves gently within.

I am tired.

I am calm and filled with the most wondrous energy.

Peaceful, loving and caring.

Rest, relax and recharge with the wonderful energy which resides within us all.

Tap into this energy vibration.

Connect with the vibration and feel the changes that will take place within you and around your being.

Sleep well.

Awaken refreshed, focused and with a wonderful pep in your step.

Meditation and Mantra will assist you in continuing this new relationship with self.

The awakening of knowledge, concepts, beliefs, knowing and the inner connection to self and self awareness.

Travel well.

May your journey be fruitful and enlightening.


