Life’s Interactions

Life’s Interactions


Oh my, the last few weeks and months has been a little full on.

I was just looking through my past posts to see if anything was relevant to share once more.

On looking I decided that none of the previous posts summed up how I am currently feeling.

It has been an interesting rollercoaster ride.

A curious turn of events, you might say.

As usual, it is all about timing.

Just as I am about to gather my energy and look at starting up a small group session of meditation and catching up with friends, family and loved one’s, more issues presented themselves.

I am not deterred.

I am even more determined to allow this flow of energy to pass and then look again at resuming my interactions with family, friends and clients.

I pause once again.

This time to allow healing of my vision and to find out more about dealing with and working on solving sleep apnea issues.

I am certain that upon healing and gaining more knowledge, my way will open once more.

In the meantime, I will heal, learn and gain more information on the issues at hand.

Knowledge gives us power.

It gives us understanding and useful information to put into practice as we come to terms with the life changes that have occurred.

Knowledge and understanding helps us in implementing and putting new practices into play.

This knowledge is equipping us with the tools to manage our conditions so that we may have a happy and healthier outlook on life as well as supporting our health issues, overall health and our mental well-being.


Although it has been a tumultuous year.

I have learnt so much.

Going with the flow seemed to be the most reasonable choice.

Of course, I have had my up and down days. Especially when I was faced with the possibility of my ovarian tumour being cancerous.

I was actually more concerned about the effects it would have on the immediate family and friends, rather than about myself.

The tumour and associated plumbing that was removed has been classified as non-cancerous thankfully.

I did not cope well with the drugs administered or with the recovery after surgery.

I am better now and that is a wonderful outcome for everyone.

I have just managed to add a few more incidents/accidents to my list since surgery.

Oh well, stuff happens.


In the coming months, I hope that everything clears and settles down.

I am going with the idea that all of the extra incidents are related to bringing up and dealing with past and present issues.

Clearing the way.

Releasing past and present energies and allowing clearing on body, mind and vision so that I may re-focus my thoughts and vision.

Allowing me to see the wonderful opportunities that present themselves and allow the time for new goals to emerge.

With a clearer mind, stronger intuition and body healing and being maintained, I will be able to stride forth and actively engage in my chosen pursuits.

I smile, as I write this. I know this is my truth.

I own all that has happened to me and look forward to being better in self and helping others once again.

I am still connected to Mantra, chant of Om, Meditation and my energy work.

This connection to self has been a wonderful gift.

I have been able to move through this upheaval a lot better with Mantra and my energy work.

I dare not think what my mental state would be now if I had not had my Energy work and practices in place.

The energy work and Mantra has played a big part in keeping me stable.

My style of meditation and mantra plus the energy work has sustained me through this arduous time, mentally and physically.

Wonderful supportive tools.

Mantra and meditation.


The love of family, friends and partner also contributed greatly to how I have dealt with these major issues in life, whether it has been health related or other situations.

So, thankyou to my family, partner and friends for supporting me and my journey.

An interesting one for sure.

This has been my journey and experiences and I know many others are also going through tough times as well.

Blessings to you all.


Our life lessons can seem so hard at times.

Somewhere in there is truth, knowledge and the gaining of insights as you work through it all.


Love, Meditation, Mantra and Family.

Incredible elements to have in your life.

A great way to support, sustain and contribute to a good and happy existence.

Love self.

Create and maintain balance of body, mind and spirit.

Be more in tune with self and journey well.

Mantra and Meditation helps in creating a balanced body, mind and spirit and an understanding and acknowledgement of self.

Working with Mantra, Meditation and energy work has been very beneficial to my view on life and the healing which has also taken place mentally, physically and spiritually.

Be inspired.

Be guided.



