Make a difference to your day.

Make a difference to your day.


A few minutes of Om  work will make a big difference to your day.

A good way to clear the head is to sit, relax and sound out OM

( pronounced aum ) for a few minutes.

Sit quietly if you can, otherwise just go with it wherever you are.

Even with the kids around.

Who knows they may even join in with you.

A quick way to calm the mind and senses.

Re – direct the mindset and shift some energies.


Take a deep breath in.

On a count of three.

Om, sound out long on the outgoing breath and sound out long on the incoming breath if you can.

Breathing in Om.

Breathing out Om.

All on a count of three.

Short OM’s.

Long OM’s.

Everyone’s breath work is different so tailor it too your needs.

Mix it up.

You may be better with a count of two.

Whatever you can manage.

It will work for you.


You will know in yourself when you have done enough.

From a few minutes to 10 minutes.

Let it work for you.

Now that you have completed your OM work please finish off with this breath work.


When you are ready begin your breathing techniques.

Long breath in.

Deep breath out.

Deep breath in.

Long breath out.

Long Breath in.

Long breath out.

Breathe normally now.



Sit and rest for a another few minutes.

OM once to close your session.


Slowly stand up.

Deep breath in.

Quick breath out.

Normal breathing.

Smile and enjoy the rest of your day.


