Crystal Therapy

Crystal Therapy

Time for some cleansing and clearing and renewing of one’s energies.
Take your rose quartz to your room and place by bedside table or on your windowsill.
Allow the soothing vibrations from the rose quartz to gently swirl around you.

Using your Meditation tools.

Sit or lay quietly in your room.

Start your breathing techniques to calm the body and mind.

When you are ready start reciting the following lines to activate your intentions.

Say :

“I” Release all pent up energies.
“I” Release anxiety.
“I” Release the stale energies within.

“I Send all of these vibrations to Mother Earth”.
*Sending all of these vibrations to Mother Earth as you go.
Breathe in beautiful uplifting and energizing vibrations.
Breathe in deeply.
Hold for a count of three.
Breathe out long.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe normally.

*Repeat this sequence 3 to 7 times each morning or night.

Either or both morning and night is also acceptable.

Imagine the energies flowing from the Rose Quartz crystal.

Cleansed and clean.

Soft and nuturing.

Calming and centering.

Allow this rose quartz energy to wash over you during the night and day.
Soothing body and your mind and working with and correcting your energy vibrations.
Bringing harmony and calmness to your being.

Enjoy this beautiful Crystal Therapy.

Allow the release of fear based actions, uncertainty and general crankiness.

Breathe in wonderful and fulfilling intentions and goals.

Soothe your being.

Calm the mind.

Find your focus and drive.

Be happy within.

Allow that happiness to flow outwards and that will transform you.

Be happier.

Be more in tune with self and others.

Find your strength.

Maintain your general health, mental health and well-being.
You may continue this session throughout the rest of June and midway into July.
Breathe in positive intentions and uplifting vibrations to assist your health and well-being.

