Crystal Wand Moon Meditation

Crystal Wand Moon Meditation

The thought of being outside and lying on the grass to catch the energy vibrations from the full moon is a lovely idea.

Being rather cold weather at the moment has given me time to pause and reflect on that thought.

I will instead stay indoors, where it will be warmer and take part in a Crystal Moon Meditation session.

Join me in the Meditation.

A simple and short Meditation as the full moon energy is very strong and one will not want to have a session that leads to an overload of thoughts and emotions.

A time to cleanse and clear thoughts, actions and emotions.

Re-new your energy vibrations with positive thoughts and intentions which are followed up with positive and enjoyable actions.


Crystal Moon Meditation:

Select your clear quartz crystal wand and find somewhere quiet,peaceful and warm to conduct your Meditation session.

Lay down or be seated.

Holding the Clear quartz crystal in your hands if you have chosen to sit in yoga pose or lay the crystal wand upon your abdomen with hands placed on crystal and abdomen if you decided to lay down for the Meditation.

Close your eyes and begin your breath work.

Gentle breath in.

Gentle breath out.

Continue for several minutes.

As you become relaxed centre your attention on your crystal wand and the moon energy.

For five minutes tune in to the crystal and the moon energies.

Continuing with your breath work.

Breathing gently allow the energy vibrations to move within and around you.

Energies which will cleanse and clear your vibrations.

Help you to release stale and no longer needed thoughts, ideas, concepts and beliefs.

Renewing your energies and uplifting your spirit.

Allowing positive changes to take place within you.


After five minutes Om once.

Move the crystal off your abdomen and place beside you if you are lying down and if holding in hands also release the crystal and place beside you.

Remain with eyes closed.

Rest in the energy vibrations for a time.

When you feel your energies have settled and your thoughts and awareness are coming back to the fore, begin to change up your breath work.

Quick breath in.

Long breath out.

Long breath in.

Long breath out.

Quick breath in.

Quick breath out.

Resume normal breathing pattern.

Om three times to complete and close your session.


Rest and relax. Allow the energy vibrations to incorporate into your being more fully.

When you are ready you may change your position, get up and move around and place your crystal on the windowsill for clearing .


A quick and simply five minute Crystal Wand Meditation.

This full moon meditation can be used on the night of the full moon and the subsequent following four evenings.

Choose the evening which will suit your needs.

Rest, relax and restore.

Be mindful of self , thoughts and emotions over the coming week once you have conducted your full moon crystal meditation.

If you find the Meditation was stronger than you anticipated, then sit with a Rose Quartz Crystal for five minutes to ease the energies.


