Time to relax and re-energize
Choose any coloured crystal today.
Select a quiet room.
Time to sit down with a crystal placed in your hands whilst in yoga meditation pose.
Be relaxed with hands placed on your folded legs facing upwards with crystal laying in your palm.
Close your eyes.
Tune into self with some music for 5-15 minutes.
Rest, relax and release that which no longer serves you well.
Exhale all negativity, anxiety, stress.
Breathe in clean fresh vibrant healing energy.
Send this energy to your Solar Plexus region. (Abdomen)
Breathing in.
Breathing out.
Breathing in
Breathing out.
Releasing stale thoughts and actions
Breathing in positive intentions and good vibrations.
Rest after 15 minutes.
Stay relaxed with eyes closed.
Be in the moment.
Continue with your breath work.
After a further 10 minutes take a deep breath in and a long breath out.
Allow your energies to now settle and centre.
Gentle breathing in and then out.
Deep breath in
Long breath out.
Resume normal breathing.
When you feel rested and your awareness is returning to self, it is time to finish your Meditation.
Deep breath in.
Long breath out.
Quick breath in.
Quick breath out.
Resume with your normal breathing pattern.
Awareness is now to the fore.
It is time now to Om three times to complete and close your Meditation relaxing and re-energizing session.
Feel clearer in mind.
Feel calmer in self.