You are not lost

You are not lost




For you are not lost

You are safely held within

In the right time your enclosure will open to reveal to you, who you are.

: Image in minds eye :

Seeing a giant clam opening to reveal the delightful and opulent white pearl held within.

Safe and secure for now.

An intelligent and dynamic being will be revealed.

The pure and pristine being, before life touches us and changes us in so many different ways.

The journey my friend, is to find the white pearl within.

It is within.

The purity.

The calm.

The majesty of soul.

Rest .


Stop struggling.

Let it be.


Allow the universe to assist you.

Do not struggle.

Just allow the knowledge to flow to you and through you.

Be uplifted.

Be filled with joy.

All will come to pass, my friend.

Breathe dear one, breathe.


