Here and Now

Here and Now

In between.

Here and now.

In between living and dying.

So many adventures.

So many good times and some bad times.

All in all, a mixture of surprises, good, not so good and some we would rather not recall.

Life is life.

Full of interesting and unexpected occurrences.

A life full of joy, happiness and a road to learning what is valuable and what is not valuable to the soul and spirit.

We journey forth gathering knowledge and wisdom from the school of hard knocks.

Life is to be lived to understand more about ourselves.

What we are capable of and how far we have travelled in life.

From the beginning to the end, we explore and experience a wide range of emotions coupled with physical and spiritual lessons.

We grow and mature as we progress along our path.

A path littered with the most amazing lifetime experiences, journeys and interactions with others.

We journey, not alone, but with many others.

Each keeping an eye open, ready to jump in when support and love are needed.

To lift you up, to support you through the trying times.

To be with you through the good times.

We are there.

We support you.

Step out from the blanket of grief.

Step out from the darkness which hides you.

Walk into the bright light of day.

Be immersed in the golden rays.

The healing warming rays of light gently play and dance upon your countenance and then slowly moves around your body embracing you.

Warming you, nurturing you and giving you solace and peace of mind.

Feel the energy move you.

Be one with the beautiful warming rays of light.

Allow your inner light to merge with the uplifting healing energy vibrations.

Be cleansed.

Be cleared of all negative and impacting vibrations.

Let your body, soul and spirit sing.

Your light shines brightly.

You are transformed.

A being of light.

Joyous, enraptured, at peace.

Live life with the knowledge that all is not lost.

It is within.



Look inward.

Connect to the light that you are.


Breathe deeply and long.


Breathe in.

Breathe out.


Your spirit sings.

You feel vibrant, alive and connected to self once more.

Be you.



Stay in the moment.

It is peaceful here.

It is tranquil.



Walk in the light.

Follow your path.

Continue your journey with the love and supportĀ from family, friends, spiritual helpers and guides…


Blessed Be.
