Working with crystals.
Using crystals.
Healing with crystals.
Tuning in tool.
Focus tool.
Pinpoint an area of concern or thought.
To zone in on an area for healing.
A tool to use when not having any other distractions so that you can tune in and focus more deeply on self.
To provide healing, correction of vibrations within and around self.
Stabilise core balance, energy flow, correction of energy vibrations and healing of disrupted or corrupted auric fields and layers.
A wonderful tool to aid and assist healing in one’s self in conjunction with a crystal wand meditative healing session.
To tune in.
To zone.
To focus on what needs correcting, maintaining and recharging.
To cleanse and clear the mind.
Release the clutter.
Remove the emotional blocks and fears.
To improve one’s health and well-being.
Allow clear thinking, focus and correct energy flow through the body and auric fields and layers.
Be soothed, calmed and mentally focused.
Work on your goals with clear headedness, enthusiasm and strength of mind and heart.
Clear your energies.
Maintain your corrected energies, health and well-being with a beautiful crystal healing meditation session today.
Sit and relax in yoga pose with your crystal in hand or lap for 5- 10 minutes, two or three times a week, for a couple of weeks.
Make sure you are in a quiet room.
Sitting comfotably.
Keeping warm with a shawl or light blanket.
Start with eyes closed.
Begin your breathing techniques.
Continue with your breathing rhythm for a few minutes.
Feel the crystal energies in your hands or lap.
Connect with the crystal and its energy.
Allow the crystals vibrational energy to move and flow into your body and surrounding areas of your body.
Focus and connect for 5 – 10 minutes.
Breathe deeply in.
Breathe deeply out.
Quick breath in.
Quick breath out.
Normal breath work.
At the completion of your session.
OM, three times to close your session and allow your vibrational energy work to ease off and settle once more.
- This signals all work within the chakras will now ease off. The chakras will settle down and then close safely.
- OM
Rest for several more minutes allowing thought, focus and awareness to come to the fore.
Stand when you are ready.
Place the crystal on a windowsill for 24 hours for cleansing and clearing.
Enjoy a glass of water afterwards to help flush your system and to hydrate your body and compliment all of your energy work.