Crystal Wands

Crystal Wands



Now is a good time to sit, relax and meditate with a crystal wand.

To cleanse, clear and unblock your energy patterns.

Creating an even flow and ease of movement within and around your body.


Select a Clear Quartz or a Rose Quartz wand which will help and assist you in your meditation session today.

You can sit in yoga pose with your chosen wand nestled in your overlapped hands, placed in your lap or you may choose to place the wand at your feet, whilst you are sitting and relaxing in yoga pose with your eyes closed for the duration of your meditation.

If you have decided to place the wand at your feet, please hold the chosen wand for a few minutes first whilst in yoga pose.

Breathe slowly in and out and when you are ready place the wand front of you.

* You may also hold the crystal wand for several minutes in any chosen placement before commencing the session.


Choose your room for your Meditation session and have your wand with you.

A comfy and quiet location where you can sit, relax and meditate without distraction.

Sit comfortably on a rug, mat or yoga mat in yoga pose with the wand in your hands, lap or in front of your feet.

When you are seated with wand in place you may begin your breathing exercises.

Close your eyes and begin this breathing sequence.

Quick breath in.

Quick breath out.

Long breath in.

Long breath out.

Normal breath in.

Normal breath out.

All on a count of three.

Long breath in. On a count of three.

Deep breath in. On a count of three.

Deep breath in.

Long breath out.





Feel the crystal in your hand or lap.

Feel the energy in the crystal.

Breathe in the crystal wand energy.

Allow the crystals vibrational energy to flow into your hands, feet and body and then flow within, throughout and around the entire body.

Enhancing and strengthening your own vibrational energy centres and bodies as it steadily flows within and around you.

Continue to gently breathe in and out.

Connect to the beautiful energy.

Feel the energy flowing within you.

This beautiful crystal energy is helping to repair energy discrepancies and blocks.

Easing aches and pains.

Clearing the mind and helping you to release no longer needed vibrations.

The crystal energy promotes good health and well-being by clearing the clutter from the mind, releasing negative and impacting emotions and vibrations from within the body and the auric fields and layers.


Breathing gently in.

Breathing gently out.




Sit with your Crystal and meditate for five to fifteen minutes.

Gently breathing in.

Gently breathing out.

Meditate for up to fifteen minutes.




Allow the energies to renew, strengthen and consolidate.




Your crystal wand meditation session is coming to an end when the vibration from the crystal eases off.

This means the energy work required to support your energy vibrations has been accomplished this day.


You can comfortably use this Meditation once a week for up to seven weeks.


Each session will have differing results.

Meditation releases and enhances your own energy vibrations.

Each day has a different result as you are different in yourself each day.

We are emotional spiritual and physical beings.

We deal with different scenarios and issues every day.

These issues and life itself will have an effect on our mindset.

How we react to our circumstances changes depending on preceding events.


Bring your Meditation session to a close at the fifteen minute mark.

Take a deep breath in and hold for a count of three.

Deep breath out on a count of three.

Quick breath in.

Quick breath out.

Long breath in.

Long breath out on a count of three.

Resume normal breathing for a couple more minutes.

Allow your focus and attention to return to now.

Become aware of your surroundings.

Open your eyes.

Your energies have now had time to settle.

Gentle breath in.

Gentle breath out.


OM three times to complete and close your session.


Stay seated for a few more minutes and when you are ready stand up slowly and move around.

Place the crystal on a windowsill for 24 hours to cleanse and clear.


Drink a glass of water to help flush your system after a healing session.



