

Take a journey.

Use the mind.

Journey too far away places.

Journey as far as your mind can take you and all the while you are sitting comfortably relaxed, grounded and safe in your own environment.

Safe travels.

Long travels, short journey’s.

It is all to be a happy healthy enlightening experience.

Journey to the stars and beyond if that is what you wish.

Travel to your own backyard.

Walk in your favourite garden or rest next to your soothing pond.

Choose wisely.

Make a choice and go with it this night.

Dream a little.

Explore your nature.

Open to the endless possibilities and experiences, all in the comfort of your own home.


Enter your space for meditation.

Be seated or laying down.

A wrap or throw blanket to keep you warm.

Subtle lighting.

Get comfortable and relax.


Commencing now with breath work.

Deep breathing in and out.

Breathing deep and long.

Exhaling long.

Smaller breath in, quick breath out.

Normal breath in and hold for count of three.

Normal breath out.


Continue breath work for several minutes.

Breathing in long, releases breath deep.

Gentle breath in, gentle breath out.

Normal breath in, hold for count of three.

Normal breath exhale on a count of three..

Breathe work will assist you to zone into your meditative state.

Continue gentle breathing in and out.

Lighten the senses.

Feel the body becoming lighter and lighter, as if the body is falling away.

It is you.


Light as a feather.

Now allow your mind to journey upwards into the space you wish to belong and connect with during this session.

Move upwards, slowly and gently.

Breathing deep and long.

Exhaling slowly.

Breathing in and out.



Calm and soothing.

Deep breath in.

Long breath out.

Gentle breathing.

Light as a feather.

Look to where you wish to be.

Go there now and explore for a short time.

Release tensions, ease the mind, leaving all physical ailments, hurts and stress behind you.

Journey forward with lightness of mind and spirit.

Enjoy your realm, your chosen place.

Rejoice and play.

Relax and recharge.

Take it all in.

See all and remember the sights, sounds, smells and sensations.

Delight in the colours and the soothing vibrations that surround you.

Breathing in the positive and uplifting energies.

Feeling wonderful.

You are filled with joy and rapture.

You are light filled.

You are ecstactic.


Walk around.

Sit, relax and chat with those who have come forth to be by your side.

Pleasant chatter.

Soothing vibrations.

Your body and mind are as happy as can be.

You are thrilled, energised and filled to the brim with pure happiness.

You delight in your chosen place of journey.

It is wonderful and so calming and soothing.

You feel free.

You enjoy a lightness of spirit and the longer you stay, the more you feel the essence of joy enfold you.

Be one with you.

Remember your surroundings.

Take it all in and in turn thank those who have journeyed with you today.

Blessings to those who have assisted you and your travels.

It is wonderful to receive inspiration, knowledge and guidance.

We are so very lucky to be able to explore and return with so much.

To be energised, centred, calm and full of happiness.

Treasure your memories.

Recall the journey and all that has taken place today.

Record your experiences. Detailing sights, sounds, colours, thoughts, vibrations and visions.

One can always find wonderful experiences and journey’s in meditation.

You can meditate often.

Time now for you to return to your self.

Deep breath in.

Deep breath out.

Quick breath in and a quick breath out.

Normal breathing in and out.

Quick breath in.

Quick breath out.

Normal breathing in and out.

You will now be aware of self and tuning in to your meditation position/pose.

Normal breath in.

Normal breath out.

Continue regular breath work.

Wriggle your toes and fingers.

Flex your hands.


Deep breath in.

Deep breath out.

Deep breath in and long breath out.

You are now completely aware of self.

You are home once more.

Mind and body united.

Deep breath in.

Quick breath out.

Om – to complete and close your session.

Relax for a further 5 minutes.


Allow your energies to settle.

When you feel it is time to move.

Stand up slowly.

Gain your balance and move about.

Enjoy a glass of water to refresh and hydrate your body.

When the need to relax, release and recharge takes hold, spend some time meditating in your chosen space and place.




Take note of what you did and what was shown to you on your meditation journey.

Write down any thoughts and words of wisdom.

Journey well.

Long breath in.

Long breath out.

OM to close your session.


