Rhythm of Life

Rhythm of Life

Find your rhythm of life.




Socialising and interacting with friends, family, work colleagues and clients over a period of time.

Sometimes a duration of several weeks or months.

All is go, go, go.

Fast paced and a little hectic.

Then one morning you wake up knowing that you need to spend several days or a week taking it more quietly so that you can rest and recharge.

To retreat into your place of quietude.

To once again potter around the house, to tidy up, to relax watching movies, listening to music, meditating, chanting, reading or writing.

Being creative whilst relaxing and recharging your batteries.

Alternatively enjoying the outdoors.

Riding your bike, jogging, walking or indulging in a nice picnic.

Once you have recharged, you again mix with others, interact and socialise all the while becoming busier and busier until you require time out once more to sit, chill, relax and recharge.

Your rhythm.

The rhythm of your life.

The more we listen and heed our bodies rhythm, the more we support our own health and well-being.

Go with the flow.

Honour your rhythm of life.

Remember to slow down and take the time to rest and relax when your body and mind signal it is now time to be quieter and recharge your batteries.

Life will be easier and more straight forward when we work with the body and mind.

Be aware of the signs. Of when it is okay to be more active and interact with others and when it is time to slow down and look after the body and quieten the mind.

Listen to your self.

Become aware of your rhythms.

Be more in tune to support your health and happiness.

Journal your periods of busier times along with the quieter days over a few months.

Work with your rhythm and see what a difference it makes when you listen to your body and mind.

Take the time for quiet interludes to recharge, rest and relax in amongst the busiest times.

Honour self.

Work with self.

Feel the difference in mind and body when working with your rhythm.

Small changes in our perceptions and attitudes create the biggest rewards.


