Busy Times

Busy Times


Last week was indeed a busy time and so I thought I would share with you all my journey.

My husband and I caught up with friends enjoying chat dinner and drinks. It had been several months between catch ups. So we were delighted to receive our invite to join them this particular evening. It was wonderful reconnecting and sharing stories and being with other like-minded people. Enjoying each others company and finding out what was new and developing in their lives.

A few days later I was catching up with family members, organizing eye wear and happily collecting my new glasses.

Later Les and I caught up with his sister Jen whilst enjoying coffee, cake and lunch at our local cafe.
All this before travelling further a field.

On Tuesday I had a lovely lunch with my mother and sister Michelle and saw my dad and brother Gary.
Later that afternoon I also travelled to Maryborough with Michelle to visit with our sister Christine and her family for a couple of hours.
It has been a week to connect and offer support.
Chat and catch up.
Sometimes my spiritual knowledge is called into action to aid and assist in sorting out situations.
I love working with people, clients and family.
I love being able to offer insights and work with my abilities which then enable the people involved to see the situation more clearly and help to clear away negativity and impacting situations.
Those who know me, know what it is that I do.
It is always fairly involved and the outcomes are positive and uplifting.
I continue to work on my writings, insights and healing sessions.
We all need support at some time or other and I am glad that I am able to do just that and I sincerely thank those who have supported me over the last couple of years.
Enjoy your week with family and friends.
More insights also on our general health and well-being.

I noted that rest is required to recharge one’s batteries and energy levels after running around and interacting with people on a social or client level.

We run the risk of depleting our energy stores by giving over our energy to people in need.

Eating correctly and regularly also helps to maintain our energy and mental balance.

Remember to sit, relax, rest up and meditate to restore your own energy balance and energy levels otherwise you run the risk of being quite grumpy and miserable.

You guessed it, I did just that.

I did take the time to rest over the next couple of days, but I have found that my system needs to eat on a more regular basis than my husband.

Keeping that in mind when we are out and about, I will endeavour to speak up when it is nearing time for me to eat and recharge my energy levels. By not doing so I am not honouring myself and looking after me to my best ability. My energy drops and I then become more cranky as time goes by.

The things I am learning is to listen to self and look after self.

Eating and drinking fluids is a major contributor to keeping one’s self happy and in a great mind space.

It is the simple things which give us the greatest knowledge about ourselves.

It is wonderful to aid and assist others mentally and spiritually.

Remember you are just as important.

Look after self mentally, spiritually and physically.

Eat regularly and rest to recharge.

We must look after our own health and well-being so we can be the best we know we can be.

