Our Core

Our Core


Stability of our core is essential for maintaining a level head and a sense of what we are about.

The core is also responsible for the stability of our energy and energy levels within and around our bodies.

Without core correction and maintenance of our core by keeping the energy within centralised and moving, flowing correctly, our lives simply begin to fall into disarray.

Our energy patterns begin to break down and falter as do we, unaware of the factors causing the beginnings of energy depletion and corruption.

Energy healing sessions such as Reiki, massage, meditation, chanting, singing bowl rhythm will enhance and encourage our energies renewal.

Correct energy displacement, remove blocks, restore dwindling energy reserves and straighten the core thus allowing free and easy movement of your energy flow.

Maintaining the core is essential to continuing good health, mental health and physical health.

We need to fuel our bodies and our minds, centering our energies to enable ourselves to work at our best. To function well, be co-ordinated, mentally alert and focused.

Clear visioned.

Clear goals.

All whilst feeling healthy and happy.

Being centred is conducive to being at the top of our game.

To be focused, alert and visually aware of all that is taking place around us.

To be making decisions and setting goals which support our health, well-being and our purpose.

To be in the now.

Going with the flow and enjoying the journey.

Stay focused.

Aim to support your goals and yourself.

Be true to you and journey with a light heart.

Know that you are doing the best you can do and you will succeed with your ambitions and dreams.

Be regular in your approach to maintaining your energies, your core energies and keeping a positive and healthy outlook on life will lift you up and support you.

Regular healing sessions will correct and maintain your balance in love, life and body.

Support your health and well-being now by looking after number one.

Align body, mind and energies on a continuous basis.

Break throughs will occur.

You will be more centred.

Your headspace will clear.

Focus will be more acute and your memory will improve.

You will become more aware of your surroundings and you will endeavour to step out of your comfort zone and explore, experience more and learn new skills.

Be more joyful, forgiving and learn to let the past go.

Move now.

Move forwards in your thinking.

Pick up.


Correct and stabilise your body and mind.

Now you are ready for the next adventure.

Be true to you.

Open your mind and see the potential future that is before you.

You can change your life.

Live it now.

Be happy.

Let the joy roam within you.

It is there.

Allow these feelings to come forth.

They will not consume you, only help you to see all that life has to offer and experience.

Be brave.

Step up.

Enjoy life.

Enjoy living.

Friends and family support you.

They really do.

Open your eyes.

Open your inner eye and see what is truly before you.

Release the past.

Open your mind to the future and see the beauty in life.

It is all round you.

Embrace the discovery and journey with love in your heart.

Be happy.

Be decisive.

Be creative.

Be the person you know yourself to be.

Maintain your core balance and energies.

Look after yourself by sleeping right, eating a balanced food regime and exercising your body and mind.

You can do it.

We all can.









