Bed Time

Bed Time Meditation





Go to sleep with the intention of releasing all negative and impacting energies and feelings and then filling your body with energizing vibrations.

Release your worries, tensions and negativity on the out going breath.

Fill your body, mind and spirit with uplifting and energizing vibrations on the in breath.

Set your intention once you are laying down in bed comfortable and relaxed.

Allow your body to release and replenish during your sleep cycle.

Continue this pattern of meditation nightly for a week.

Om every morning upon waking to set and close your Bed Time Meditation session.

Journal your thoughts, feelings and actions over the week.

Reflect upon your findings after completing the seven days.

Repeat this style of meditation as often as you like.


Starting with normal breathing in and normal breathing out.

Working with your breathing techniques

Remember release tension and negativity on the out going breath.

Breathe in positive and uplifting energy vibrations on the incoming breath.

Relax and enjoy your journey.



