Rose Quartz Journey



Crystal work


Just some of the ways to encourage growth of body, spirit and mind and to heal the body and spirit.

To expand and broaden knowledge and to change the mindset. To allow growth and movement, expansion of energy within the body.

Allow the spark of light within the heart to gather strength and grow with the help of love of the divine.

Allow self to heal and connect with the heart (soul heart) divine love.

To touch and connect with the soul heart, encourage the flame through meditation.

Transforming it  from a spark of joy to expand so that it encompasses  your entire being in a ball of love and warmth.

A deep sense of comfort, peace and joyfulness.

A joy so deep your smile radiates peacefulness and oneness of self.

A divine love of self.



Calmness of being.

A true delight.

Select  some music for meditation and collect your rose quartz crystal.

Sit  in yoga pose, get comfortable, straighten spine then breathe in, hold, release and relax.

Have your smooth rose quartz crystal nestled in your joined hands which are resting in your lap.


Close your eyes.

Breathe deeply in, hold for a count of three, breathe out.

Relax and continue with your breath work for 2-5 minutes whilst relaxing and listening to your chosen meditation music and then spend 10-2o mins in your meditation session.

Continue your breathing, feeling more relaxed as you now focus (in your minds eye) on the crystal in your hands.

Sense the crystal, feel the crystal and allow your mind to guide you on your  Rose Quartz Meditation Journey.

Zone in with love in your heart.  You feel calm and peaceful as you embark on your crystal journey.

Allow yourself to relax and journey with your mind.

You may choose to wander in the fields, sit on a beach, watch dolphins at play, Journey to the stars or visit a crystal cave or castle. Play or watch a waterfall.

Go where your hearts needs to be.

Go and journey with a guide by your side.

A safe journey to visit and see all that is relevant for your discoveries this day.

Stay awhile.  Relax and explore. Take  10 – 15 minutes to look, see, feel, and sense ( in your minds eye) what is taking place around you.

Remember all that you see and ask for guidance and messages from your guide, if that is what you need to hear today.

Rest, sit and relax. Breathing gently whilst taking it all in , the sights , (sites), the sounds and the colours.

You will receive what you most need in this meditation today.

A gift , a message, knowledge or insights.  Or more simply a feeling of peace ,calmness and a sense of knowing.

When you are ready to leave your chosen meditation theme, turn towards your guide and thank them very much for journeying with you today. Your time here is now at an end and could they kindly escort you home.

Journey home now.

You are now back from your meditation journey as you are becoming aware once more of your posture, pose and sense of self.

Remain sitting quietly for another minute or two.


Now it it time to sound out / chant Om.


Repeat seven times in total to complete and close your session.


Wiggle your fingers and toes.

Breathe in a deep long breath, hold to count of 3, release.

Quick breath in, quick breath out.

Long breath in, long breath out.

Resume normal breathing.

Sit quietly for a few more minutes and when you are ready slowly open your eyes.

When you are ready you may stand up,  stretch and walk around.



You now feel relaxed and peaceful.

Journal your thoughts, feelings, experiences and knowledge gained  from this session today.

Thank you for joining us in the Rose Quartz Meditation Journey.



*Remember to clear your rose quartz by leaving on your windowsill in the sun for a day or day or simply place under running cool water for a minute or so and then  gently towel dry.

*Drink a glass of water for hydration and to assist in cleansing the body after a meditation workout.

