Open the door to Love

The heart sees what the heart prefers to see in times of stress and illness.

Open the door.

In the heart of fear the door will close.

In the heart of love the door will open to many pathways, joyousness and a deep unequivocal bounty of love.

An ocean, a universe, an embodiment of love, which is continuous.

As a stone will cause a ripple in a pond and expand outwards to the shore, so will the connection to the very deep level of love. It too will send ripples of light throughout the universe which are positive and uplifting.

A defining moment in your awareness when you open to the deeper level of love.

Connect with it and work with the wonderful vibration found within.

Positive attitudes, calmness and a knowing that all will work out.

A sense of being one will all that is, and of that which is taking place around you.

Entering the state of love allows us to be, work and do all that is good for our higher state of being.

To walk in this light is truly amazing and a wonderful experience.

Our goal is to rise up from the murk and bathe in the light of our own consciousness.

To reward ourselves by living in a positive and uplifting state.

To be all that we can be.

Our opportunity to rise above the perceived normal and work, live, and be , in a state of love.

To work from the Divine Heart.

To be all that we can be, so that we may lift others up and show them a better way.

Love lives in us all.